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The story of PC-Axis Thesis on multidimensional matrices by Dr. Bo Sundgren (70´s) Axis (80´s) PC-Axis (90´s) –Swedish Population Census (1990) Relational.

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Presentation on theme: "The story of PC-Axis Thesis on multidimensional matrices by Dr. Bo Sundgren (70´s) Axis (80´s) PC-Axis (90´s) –Swedish Population Census (1990) Relational."— Presentation transcript:

1 The story of PC-Axis Thesis on multidimensional matrices by Dr. Bo Sundgren (70´s) Axis (80´s) PC-Axis (90´s) –Swedish Population Census (1990) Relational output database (1997) PX-Web (1999) Ongoing development

2 2 The Swedish concept for dissemination of statistics on the Internet Metalist Macrometa MacroData Internet SQL User Interface PX-Publ PC-Axis main module PC-Axis SQL PX-Batch PX-Web PX-Make PX-Edit Supercross The database model

3 PC-Axis Web page For more information about PC-Axis and the countries and organizations that use it go to:

4 Other Data models Nordic Data model.NET PX-Map2 SSB Internet DSt GUI Internet SSB GUI PX- files Paxiom SCB class library Storing metadata based on the PX-file Paxiom SCB Parser Reading px-files V1 Sep08 Paxiom Parsers Reading 2. SQL Nordic, SSB, May 08 3. XML, SC 4. SDMX, FAO 5. SQL/UA, UA PC-Axis SCB Internet SCB GUI PX-iGraph DSt PX-Web SCB Menu XX class library Storing metadata for selections Menu Parsers Reading 1. PX-files, SCB? 2. SQL Nordic, DSt? 3. XML, SC 5. SQL/UA, UA Pivot SCB function Table SCB function …. Technical description for future output databases Valiom SSB ? class library Metadata for varval selections Valiom Parsers Reading 1. PX-files, SCB? 2. SQL Nordic, SSB? 3. XML, SC 5. SQL/UA, UA PCAxis.core.dll V1Sep08, V2Sep09 Sc XML FAO SDMX SCB=Statistics Sweden, DSt=Statistics Denmark, Sc=Statistics Finland, SSB=Statistics Norway, FAO=UN/FAO, UA=Lviv/Ukraina DSt, SSB, SCB SQL Databases SAS, SuperCross, TPL, Own systems UA or other SQL Databases Plug in XX functions Plug in SC functions Plug in FAO functions

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