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Political Systems of the World. If I were to leave this class alone to rule itself, what would happen? Who would be ruler? How would decisions be made?

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Presentation on theme: "Political Systems of the World. If I were to leave this class alone to rule itself, what would happen? Who would be ruler? How would decisions be made?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Systems of the World

2 If I were to leave this class alone to rule itself, what would happen? Who would be ruler? How would decisions be made?

3 Anarchy?

4 Primitive Civilizations Social Darwinism- Survival of the fittest (only the strongest and brightest Survive)

5 In the beginning, groups were so small, normally the eldest or strongest male ruled but as civilizations emerged, groups had to find way to organize in order to survive as a whole.

6 Democracy= power to the people Citizens (in early times only males) votes, majority wins! Direct Democracy Examples: Ancient Greece, Classrooms, families

7 What could be wrong with Democracy? Pro: Majority of people gets what they want. Chosen leader, limited power Con: Time consuming, difficult with large numbers, decisions are time consuming

8 Republic: Citizens vote for public officials whom vote for policies on their behalf Examples. Ancient Roman Empire, United States

9 Pro/Con of a Republic Pro: Majority still normally gets what they want, Chosen leader, limited power Con: Decision making is very time consuming

10 Monarchy: Rule by a King or Queen (ruling family) Divine Right Example: Early England, France, Spain Pro: Quick decisions, Bloodline Con: Decisions are based on one person. Leader not chosen. Unlimited Power Eventually there will be constitutional monarchies

11 Oligarchy: Rule by a few people or groups Pro: Quick decisions Con: Group can be corrupt. May only be looking for own interests. Leaders may or may not be chosen

12 Theocracy: Rule by Religious official. “God Rule” Government is run by head of religion Pro: Rule falls in line with majority of people’s beliefs, quick decisions Con: Rule by one person. Strict code. Example: Iran, Saudi Arabia

13 Dictatorships: Rule by one military ruler. Head of Military Example: North Korea, Former Iraq, Nazi Germany Pro: Quick decisions Con: One ruler makes all decision. Normally fear and terror keeps power. Citizen’s rights not recognized. Unlimited power

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