Hosted by M/J Creative Photography Teachers 100 200 400 300 400 VocabularyThe Basics Types of Photographers Techniques 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by M/J Creative Photography Teachers

3 100 200 400 300 400 VocabularyThe Basics Types of Photographers Techniques 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 The practice and art of creating long-lasting images What is photography?

5 1,2 A digital camera, computer, and editing software What do you need for digital photography?

6 1,3 Records evidence of a crime scene What is a forensic photogrpaher?

7 1,4 Places items of interest in a photograph along one of the imaginary gridlines or at the point of their intersection. What is the rule of thirds?

8 2,1 The size of the opening in the camera that light passes through The amount of time that the camera lets light in to create the photograph What are aperture and shutter speed?

9 2,2 Water, dirt, and shock What are the 3 main things that can damage a camera?

10 2,3 They take pictures of people What is a portrait photographer?

11 2,4 Blocking some parts of a photograph to emphasize (or draw attention to) another part of the same photograph What is framing?

12 3,1 Tells us what size objects are in a picture What is scale?

13 3,2 Color, line, shape, texture and space What are the 5 elements of Art?

14 3,3 They take pictures of clothes, accessories and models What is a fashion photographer?

15 3,4 Lower your viewpoint Add small details Find elements of different sizes Find lines and frames How do you add interest to your foreground?

16 4,1 The arrangements of elements in a photograph What is composition?

17 4,2 A picture that is taller than it is wide. A picture that is wider than it is tall. What are portrait and landscape orientation?

18 4,3 They take pictures for newspapers What is a photojournalist?

19 4,4 When an image is clear Press the shutter release halfway down and hold it there while focused on the subject to help select which part of a photograph is in focus. What is focus?

20 5,1 The 3 layers in a picture. The area closest to the photographer. Where the subject usually is in a picture. The area farthest from the photographer. What are foreground, middleground and background?

21 5,2 Turn off camera and turn on computer Plug in USB cord to camera and computer Turn on camera Download Save What are the steps in taking your images off your camera and putting them on to the computer?

22 5,3 They take pictures to be used on websites and in magazines What is a stock photographer?

23 5,4 Leading lines, framing, lighting, simple background, filling the viewfinder What are 5 basic techniques that draw attention to the subject?

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