IACRAO 73rd ANNUAL MEETING Stack Your Deck for Success.

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Presentation on theme: "IACRAO 73rd ANNUAL MEETING Stack Your Deck for Success."— Presentation transcript:

1 IACRAO 73rd ANNUAL MEETING Stack Your Deck for Success

2 IACRAO 73rd ANNUAL MEETING Session 8.2 Do Disney and Semester-at-Sea Equal One Term at Oxford? October 23, 2012 9:45 – 10:35 9:45 – 10:35

3 IACRAO 73rd ANNUAL MEETING Lisa Neel Grading and Academic Records Specialist University of Notre Dame Bob Kubat University Registrar University Registrar Purdue University

4 Session Rules of Etiquette Please turn off your cell phone/beeper Please turn off your cell phone/beeper If you must leave the session early, please do so as discretely as possible If you must leave the session early, please do so as discretely as possible Please avoid side conversation during the presentation Please avoid side conversation during the presentation Thank you for your cooperation!

5 Introduction Disney College Program from an administrator’s view Disney College Program from an administrator’s view –Academic credit –Marketing on campus –Organization on campus –Liaison with other offices Faculty Faculty CCO CCO Student Affairs Student Affairs - Work with Disney representatives

6 Topics of Discussion Programs Administrator Responsibilities

7 Programs College Program (CP) Professional Internship (PI) Disney Cruise Lines (CL)

8 Programs College Program (CP) ‒ ‒ As a part of the Disney College Program, participants have the incredible opportunity to advance their strengths and interests, meet guests and cast members from around the country and take part in educational opportunities students can't get anywhere else. This truly unique program allows participants to network with leaders, take part in personal and career development classes, and build transferable skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, guest service and effective communication

9 Programs Professional Internship (PI) ‒ ‒ Classroom studies are applied to practical experiences. ‒ ‒ Participants have a special opportunity to contribute to a global company, learning and working with the best in the business. ‒ ‒ Available in a wide range of majors and durations. ‒ ‒ Internships are paid and may include housing and/or relocation assistance. Eligibility and qualifications vary by position. ‒ ‒ While the majority of our positions accept applications from January-March (for summer/fall), and August-November (for spring), positions may be posted at any time during the year, so we encourage you to check our site for updates regularly.

10 Programs Professional Internship (PI) ‒ ‒ Corporate ‒ ‒ Creative ‒ ‒ Entertainment ‒ ‒ Operations/Travel ‒ ‒ Marketing/Sales ‒ ‒ Technology/Digital

11 Programs Disney Cruise Lines (CL) ‒ The CL experience is different from the CP or PI experiences and does not provide the same ability to take courses or award credit in the same avenues. ‒ It is more of a work experience program.

12 Administrator Responsibilities Courses and Credit Courses and Credit ‒ Assist students to ensure they can receive credit ‒ Work with academic departments Marketing on campus Marketing on campus ‒ Work with student Ambassadors Organization on campus Organization on campus ‒ Work with various offices to assist students ‒ Liaison with other offices Faculty Faculty CCO CCO Student Affairs Student Affairs

13 Administrator Responsibilities Work with Disney Representatives Work with Disney Representatives ‒ Recruiter ‒ Education office at Disney ‒ Disney visits These meetings generally take place at the Vista Way apartment complex A tour of one or more of our housing complexes Educator visitors also have the option to meet with a representative from the housing team Visit with their students at their work locations Blackout dates

14 Summary Program Opportunities Program Opportunities –Disney College Program –Professional Internship –Disney Cruise Line Administrator Side Administrator Side –Liaison –Marketing –Courses & Credits –Student support

15 Questions and Answers

16 THANK YOU! Please be sure to complete the session evaluation form. Please be sure to complete the session evaluation form.

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