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Evolution: A Challenge to Wholesome Concepts Romans 1:18-27.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution: A Challenge to Wholesome Concepts Romans 1:18-27."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution: A Challenge to Wholesome Concepts Romans 1:18-27

2 Introduction Challenging questions –Origin? Purpose? Destiny? –Connection to conduct Science’s answer –Leaves out God

3 Humanist Manifesto I & II “… science affirms that the human species is an emergence from natural evolutionary forces.” (Paul Kurtz, p. 17)

4 Introduction Challenging questions –Origin? Purpose? Destiny? –Connection to conduct Science’s answer –Leaves out God –Taught to our children

5 Creation and Evolution Two possible explanations –G–God created everything –E–Everything evolved

6 Evolution “A theoretical naturally occurring process of change which produces increasing complexity from lower, simpler states to higher more complex states” (Paul Taylor, The Illustrated Origins Answer Book, pp. 3, 4)

7 Creation “The point of view of origins which says the elements and all living things were made by a creator for some purpose” (Taylor)

8 Theistic evolution? A compromise –“Any evolutionist worth his salt and any creationist who genuinely believes the Biblical account of creation finds theistic evolution intellectually nauseating and those who adhere to it as intellectually dishonest.” –View is important (Proverbs 23:7)

9 Concept of Self- Creationist Creationist –Made in the image of God –Sense of dignity (Psalm 8:3-5) –Worth the blood of Christ (Romans 5:8)

10 Concept of Self- Evolutionist “... starts out with man as primordial slime that has simply worked its way up the evolutionary ladder. It says that human life is not distinct, and in reality, humans are no different from poison ivy, a skunk, or a piece of coal except that the molecules that make us up are arranged just a little bit differently. The only reason we are here in the first place is because we are an accident of chance.” (Tom Kinzel, FC Lecture, 1995)

11 Concept of Purpose- Creationist Optimistic –Made in God’s image –Love Him (Matthew 22:37, 38) –Obey Him (Ecclesiastes 12:13) –Love others (Matthew 5:16; 22:39)

12 Concept of Purpose- Evolutionist Dismal –Limited to the here and now –“No deity will save us; we must save ourselves.” (Humanist Manifesto)

13 Concept of Destiny- Creationist Life beyond death –Death inevitable (Ecclesiastes 12:1-7) –Eternal life for the obedient (Matthew 25:34, 46; John 11:26) –Torment for the disobedient (Matthew 25:41, 46) –Provides motivation to endure

14 Concept of Destiny- Evolutionist Hopelessness –Denies man’s spiritual nature –Just an animal –No meaning to life –No motivation to live right –No hope –Reason for despair

15 Robert Owen “There is one advantage I have over the Christian– I am not afraid to die. Most Christians have fear in death, but if some few items of my business were settled, I should be perfectly willing to die at any moment.” “Well,” answered Mr. Campbell, “you say you have no fear in death?” After a solemn pause, “No,” said Mr. Owen. 1771 - 1858

16 Robert Owen “Then,” rejoined Mr. Campbell (pointing to an ox standing near), “you are on a level with that brute. He has fed till he is satisfied, and stands in the shade whisking off the flies, and has neither hope nor fear in death …” (Taken from Memoirs of Alexander Campbell (Vol. 2) by Robert Richardson) 1771 - 1858

17 Concept of Morality- Creationist Moral beings –Created upright (Ecclesiastes 7:29) –Objective standard from God (Proverbs 3:5-8; Jeremiah 10:23) –Perfect guidance (Deuteronomy 32:4; James 1:17) –Accountable (2 Corinthians 5:10)

18 Concept of Morality- Evolutionist Leads to moral anarchy –Effects of evil (Proverbs 14:34) –School shootings –Scandals among elected officials –The fact that an atheist can be moral begs the question of why he would do so. (Judges 17:6)

19 Conclusion Teaching affects behavior Popularity of evolution Difficult times

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