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 Starter. LITHOSPHERE  Biosphere   /interactives/dynamicear th/structure.html /interactives/dynamicear.

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Presentation on theme: " Starter. LITHOSPHERE  Biosphere   /interactives/dynamicear th/structure.html /interactives/dynamicear."— Presentation transcript:

1  Starter


3  Biosphere

4   /interactives/dynamicear th/structure.html /interactives/dynamicear th/structure.html Inside the Earth

5   Survival (habitat and shelter)  Agriculture  Resources (mining, forestry, energy) Why is the Lithosphere important?

6   Follow along and try to answer as many questions as possible  We will discuss the answers periodically Bill Nye Video

7   Use your textbook to fill out the worksheet  Write the correct definition and then draw the associated diagram  This assignment will be marked out of 20 points Due Tuesday April 21 st Review of the parts of the earth


9   Starter  Learning Intentions  Homework Questions Take Up  Parts of the Earth Assignment Schedule

10   Next Class  On “Parts of the Earth”  Definitions and Diagrams ( Basically the assignment we will work on) Quiz

11   Use your textbook to fill out the worksheet  Write the correct definition and then draw the associated diagram  This assignment will be marked out of 20 points Due Thursday April 23rd Review of the parts of the earth

12  How it will be marked A possible 5 points per diagram

13  /20 points 5 points per section 2 points for the correct definition (textbook) 2 points for accuracy of diagram (include % and any labels 1 point for neatness (color, ruler etc.) Assignment Marks

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