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Facebook Hitler is preparing to take over the world. WallPhotosFlairBoxesAdolf HitlerLogout View photos of Hitler (5) Send Hitler a message Poke message.

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook Hitler is preparing to take over the world. WallPhotosFlairBoxesAdolf HitlerLogout View photos of Hitler (5) Send Hitler a message Poke message."— Presentation transcript:

1 facebook Hitler is preparing to take over the world. WallPhotosFlairBoxesAdolf HitlerLogout View photos of Hitler (5) Send Hitler a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Braunau am Inn, Austria- Hungary Birthday: April 20, 1889 Political: National Socialist German Party Religion: Non-religious Hometown: Braunau am Inn, Austria- Hungary Friends Stalin Alfred WilhelmEdward Hitler I just finished my book called ‘Mein Kampf’ September 29, 1925 Joseph Stalin Sup Dude!?!?!?! October 3, 1925 Hitler About to make plans to get rid of Jews…maybe a place called a concentration camp. October 4, 1925 Stalin That sounds like a good idea, what's going to happen there? October 5, 1925 Hitler Well, I might make them work until there are no muscle to them and if they aren’t able to be kept…I will burn them all!!!!!! October 6, 1925 Stalin That’s terrible Hitler!!!!!....Need help? October 7, 1925 August

2 Personal Information facebook Hitler is preparing to take over the world. WallPhotosFlairBoxesAdolf HitlerLogout View photos of Hitler (5) Send Hitler a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Braunau am Inn, Austria=Hungary Birthday: April 20, 1889 Political: Braunau am Inn, Austria=Hungary Religion: Non-Religious Hometown: Brookline, Mass. Photos Networks: Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary Sex: Male Birthday: April 20, 1889 Hometown: Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary Relationship Status: Married to Eva Braun Political Views: National Socialist German Party Religious Views:Non-Religious Activities: Commanding the Army, killing Jews, writing books Interests: Soccer, Poker, Summers in Auschwitz Favorite Music: Ludwig Van Beethoven, Richard Wagner, Anton Bruckner Favorite Movies: The Auschwitz promotion videos Favorite Painters: Eduard Von Grutener, The Fuhrermuseum, Arnold Bocklin Favorite Books:Mein Kampf, The Bible, Quaran The Family Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Auschwitz Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: Rotenberg 4, 73655 Plunderhausen Phone Number: 419-419-4192

3 facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesAdolf HitlerLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Hitler 7 Photos Hitler’s Albums 2 Photo Alums The Family 5 photos The Auschwitz 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Hitler is preparing to take over the world.

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