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Facebook Mercutio is preparing to help Romeo with his love problems. WallPhotosFlairBoxesMercutioLogout View photos of Mercutio (5) Send Mercutio a message.

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook Mercutio is preparing to help Romeo with his love problems. WallPhotosFlairBoxesMercutioLogout View photos of Mercutio (5) Send Mercutio a message."— Presentation transcript:

1 facebook Mercutio is preparing to help Romeo with his love problems. WallPhotosFlairBoxesMercutioLogout View photos of Mercutio (5) Send Mercutio a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Washington D.C. Birthday: May 29, 1917 Political: Montague Religion: Catholic Hometown: Verona Friends RomeoTybaltJuliet PriestLady Montague Mercutio Just came back from a Capulet ball. October 7, 1963 Mr.Montague Mercutio Finish saving Romeo’s life October 1, 1963 Mercutio The Capulets want to pick another fight then we shall fight. June 11, 1963 Mercutio is so glad nothing happened to Romeo. October 28, 1962 Mercutio Thinks the marriage is a bad idea. September 9, 1962 Mercutio Feel betrayed by Romeo. April 17, 1961

2 Personal Information facebook Mercutio is preparing to help Romeo with his love problems. WallPhotosFlairBoxesMercutioLogout View photos of Mercutio (5) Send Mercutio a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Washington D.C. Birthday: May 29, 1917 Political: Montague Religion: Catholic Hometown: Verona Photos Networks: Washington D.C. Sex: Male Birthday: May 29, 1917 Hometown: Verona Relationship Status: The Girl Political Views: Montague Religious Views: Catholic Activities: Fighting, singing, Partying, Interests: Sailing, Football, Summers in Hyannis, Space Exploration Favorite Music: All music Favorite Movies: Action,comedy Favorite TV Shows: Jerry Favorite Books: I don’t like reading The Family Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Me Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: 555 Fake Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 Phone Number: (555)555-5555

3 facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesMercutioLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Mercutio 6 Photos Mercutio’s Albums 2 Photo Alums Me 5 photos Montague family 5 photos Mercutio is preparing to help Romeo with his love problems.

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