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Cody, Brian, and Jerry. Contains configuration options for a boot menu. The file is hidden and read-only to protect it from user configuration. Microsoft’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Cody, Brian, and Jerry. Contains configuration options for a boot menu. The file is hidden and read-only to protect it from user configuration. Microsoft’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cody, Brian, and Jerry

2 Contains configuration options for a boot menu. The file is hidden and read-only to protect it from user configuration. Microsoft’s website has a guide to backing up and modifying the Boot.ini file in the Help and Support section. BOOT.INI

3 Used to view and change the settings in the system registry. Contains info and settings for all hardware, OS software, other software, users, and PC preferences. The registry is organized by keys, the keys are then divided by subkeys, and so on. Keys may contain String, Binary, DWord, Multi-String, or Expanding string values. 5 Primary keys: –HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT –HKEY_CURRENT_USER –HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE –HKEY_USERS –HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG REGEDIT.EXE

4 Fun with REGEDIT.EXE There are tons of things you can do in Regedit, but there is a lot of harm that can be done in there. Some programs are made specifically for editing the registry in a safer way. Fresh UI is a freeware program which allows you to change settings in XP that you can change in the registry, without the risk of changing something required. Onto the fun stuff: Changing the title of Windows Media Player – –Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft – –Locate WindowsMediaPlayer – –Create a new String Value called TitleBar. From there just set the Value Data to the title you would like Windows Media Player to have. Changing the Internet Explorer Title Bar. – –Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer – –Locate the “Main” key. – –There should be a string value called WindowTitle, if there is not, create one. – –Change the Value of it to say what you want the Title Bar to say.

5 NTLDR.SYS NTLDR switches the processor from real-mode to protected mode. Places the processor in 32-bit memory mode and turns memory paging on. Loads appropriate mini-file system drivers to allow NTLDR to load files from a partition formatted with any of the files systems supported by XP. Memory paging refers to the process of managing program access to virtual memory pages that do not current reside in RAM.

6 Collects a list of currently installed hardware components. Returns this list for later inclusion in the registry under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/HARDWARE key. NTDETECT.COM

7 Loaded to handle disk access in place of the default routines. NTBOOTDD.SYS

8 Executed by NTLDR. Boots an OS other than XP, 2000, or NT. Responsible for loading the files needed to boot the other Operating System. BOOTSECT.DOS

9 Responsible for various system services: – –Hardware Virtualization – –Process and Memory Management Is a fundamental part of the system. Contains the Cache Manager, the Executive, Security Reference Monitor, Memory Manager, Scheduler, and many other things. NTOSKRNL.EXE

10 Provides and handles the interaction of software and hardware via the hardware abstractor laser. Helps communicate with hardware and OS. HAL.DLL

11 Session manager subsystem responsible for handling sessions. SMSS.EXE

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