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Prepared by IR HY912754. Urban Legend The Concept The Company The Product The Business Opportunity Urban Legend The Concept The Company The Product The.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by IR HY912754. Urban Legend The Concept The Company The Product The Business Opportunity Urban Legend The Concept The Company The Product The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by IR HY912754

2 Urban Legend The Concept The Company The Product The Business Opportunity Urban Legend The Concept The Company The Product The Business Opportunity

3 Prepared by IR HY912754 Urban Legend The Concept The Company The Product Urban Legend The Concept The Company The Product The Business Opportunity Free Global Business Opportunity It is FREE because you do not pay any additional cost to start the business, except to refer a minimum of 2 direct referrals. It is GLOBAL because it is 100% e-commerce business, and Internet connection/service is already a utility (like Electricity and Water) in almost all parts of the world. It is a BUSINESS because we make money from the effort we put in, i.e. “advertising” for the company by word-of-mouth. It is an OPPORTUNITY because You make the choice, to either take it or leave it.

4 Prepared by IR HY912754 The Business Opportunity Capital & Expenditure Revenue ROI $ Time TRADITIONAL BUSINESS Capital & Expenditure Same Revenue Potential ROI $ Time THIS BUSINESS

5 Prepared by IR HY912754 The Business Opportunity Capital & Expenditure Revenue ROI $ Time TRADITIONAL BUSINESS Capital & Expenditure Same Revenue Potential ROI $ Time THIS BUSINESS Traditional Business Need high start-up capital Many official and legal procedures to start-up Higher Investment = Greater Risk Higher Investment = Longer time to achieve ROI This Business Need VERY low start-up capital (only USD10 for registration) 3 simple steps to get started No Risk Only USD10 investment, ROI is not an area of concern

6 Prepared by IR HY912754 The Plan Direct Commission The company pays you a direct commission (a % of the product price) when someone makes a purchase from the company website, identifying you as the referrer. Binary Commission The company pays you a binary commission (USD250) when your tracking centre completes a 3-left and 3-right sales*, direct or indirect**. Note: *sale is registered as UV (unit volume) based on the product price. ** indirect is sale generate but by others in your organization

7 Prepared by IR HY912754 The Business Opportunity YOU Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 This is how the Binary System propagates technically….

8 Prepared by IR HY912754 The Business Opportunity YOU This is how the Business grows under a Binary System in reality… In the beginning… After a couple of months Suddenly your business grows Direct referral Indirect or “spill-over” You made your 1 st 3-3-250 You made your 2 nd 3-3-250 They also completed their 1 st 3-3-250

9 Prepared by IR HY912754 The Business Opportunity YOU If you belong to the 15% “natural salesman” category The BIG picture, YOUR business after one year…. If you belong to the 15% “natural salesman” category 30 partners 30 partners …on a weekly payout… assuming a minimum 1UV achieved by each active partners…. DayAssuming Active Partners isLeftRightCredit Monday10%33250 Tuesday10%33250 Wednesday10%33250 Thursday10%33250 Friday10%33250 Saturday10%33250 Sunday0%000 Weekly Payout1500

10 Prepared by IR HY912754 The Business Opportunity YOU And after two years, or three…. 100 partners 100 partners …on a weekly payout… assuming a minimum 1UV achieved by each active partners…. DayAssuming Active Partners isLeftRightCredit Monday10%10=9+110=9+1750 Tuesday10%10 +1=9+210 +1=9+2750 Wednesday10%10+2=1210+2=121000 Thursday10%10=9+110=9+1750 Friday10%10 +1=9+210 +1=9+2750 Saturday10%10+2=1210+2=121000 Sunday0%000 Weekly Payout5000 Note: 3L 3R = 250 9L 9R = 250 x 3 = 750

11 Prepared by IR HY912754 The Business Opportunity YOU (for the other 85% “shy” people) Alternative approach… as a long term investment… after one year… (for the other 85% “shy” people) 3 Sign-ups 3 Sign-ups DayLeftRightCreditMonthly Year-133250disappointingly too little Year-218181500125 (not much to brag about) Year-31081089000750 (not bad side income) Year-4648648540004500 (think of quitting day job) Year-53888388832400027000 (still need day job?) Year-6::?? Year-7::?? This slow approach assumes a diligent exercise on the power of duplication…

12 Prepared by IR HY912754 The Business Opportunity YOU Alternative approach… as a long term investment… after one year… 3 Sign-ups 3 Sign-ups DayLeftRightCreditMonthly Year-133250disappointingly too little Year-218181500125 (not much to brag about) Year-31081089000750 (not bad side income) Year-4648648540004500 (think of quitting day job) Year-53888388832400027000 (still need day job?) Year-6::?? Year-7::?? Let’s assume the power of duplication only 50% successful... Year-299750still too little Year-327272250187 (not bad side income) Year-481816750562 (good side income) Year-5243243202501687 (think of quitting day job) Year-6729729607505062 (still need day job?) Like any other business, the 1 st 3 years are the test of survival. If you can persevere for 3 years, you will be successful in this business Like any other business, the 1 st 3 years are the test of survival. If you can persevere for 3 years, you will be successful in this business

13 Prepared by IR HY912754 How to Get Started The Opportunity & Potential of the Business has been presented to you. The Business works for everyone, you can be one of the 15% or one of the 85%. The Choice is Yours! Are you ready for a Change in your Life? If you are ready to change for a better life, please contact the person who provided you this presentation slide. He/She will advise you on how to get started. The information is prepared to be as accurate as possible. If you find any errors or inconsistency, please contact

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