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By David Adler Lou Gehrig: The Luckiest Man Meet the Author  David Adler David Adler David Adler.

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Presentation on theme: "By David Adler Lou Gehrig: The Luckiest Man Meet the Author  David Adler David Adler David Adler."— Presentation transcript:


2 By David Adler Lou Gehrig: The Luckiest Man

3 Meet the Author  David Adler David Adler David Adler

4 Predict What The Book Is About!  Look at the cover on the first slide.  Ask yourself:  What is the cover showing me that the book might be about?  Talk to you table and share your answers.

5  Biography- a biography is a story about a person’s life written by another person.  Look in this story about information as to why this person is important.  Make opinions and personal judgments based on facts in the story.  Summary- As you read this story, you will see how a person who has a serious illness can demonstrate true courage and be a model of hard work, dedication, and sportsmanship. Summary and Genre

6 Strategies Good Readers Use  Use Decoding/Phonics  Make and Confirm Predictions  Create Mental Images  Self-Question  Summarize-Focus Strategy  Read Ahead  Reread to Clarify  Use Context to confirm meaning  Use text structure and format  Adjust reading rate

7 Focus Strategy Summarize  When you summarize, you are retelling the most important parts of the selection. By stopping regularly to summarize what you have read will make you better understand and remember important parts of a section.

8 Focus Skill- Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots  Identifying prefixes, suffixes, and roots can help you figure out unfamiliar words.  Look at this word: Vision  In what parts would you divide this word?  What happens if I added the prefix re to the word vision? Would it change the word or would the word stay the same?  Longer words are often made up of a prefix, a root word or root, and a suffix.

9 Building Background  Lou Gehrig Building Background Lou Gehrig Building Background Lou Gehrig Building Background

10 A little background on Lou  Lou Gehrig Lou Gehrig Lou Gehrig  The farewell speech “The Pride of the Yankees” The farewell speech “The Pride of the Yankees” The farewell speech “The Pride of the Yankees”

11 Vocabulary  Courageous  Immigrants  Salary  Tremendous  Appreciation  Valuable  Modest  Sportsmanship

12 Courageous  Courageous  Cour-age-ous  Adjective  Brave

13 Immigrants  Im-mi-grants  Noun  People who go to a country to live in it  Remembering Ellis Island Remembering Ellis Island Remembering Ellis Island

14 Salary  Sa-la-ry  Noun  Money paid at regular times to a worker.

15 Tremendous  Tre-men-dous  Adjective  Very Great or Large

16 Appreciation  Ap-pre-ci-a-tion  Noun  Showing that one recognizes the value of a person or thing

17 Valuable  Val-u-a-ble  Adjective  Worth a lot

18 Modest  Mod-est  adjective  Humble, not a show off

19 Sportsmanship  Sports-man-ship  noun  Playing fair and showing respect for others.

20 Vocabulary Slap  Tell a vocabulary word out loud to the class.  As a table group give them ten seconds to come up with a definition  When you call out “Slap” the table that slaps in first will have an opportunity to give the definition.  Give teams a point for correct definitions. Give other teams opportunity to slap in again if team gives incorrect response  Repeat for all vocabulary words

21 While you read  Fill out this KWL Chart On Lou Gehrig What I know What I want to Know What I learned Lou Gehrig was a baseball player Why was he lucky?

22 After You Read Check This Out!  Vocabulary Practice Jumble Vocabulary Practice Jumble Vocabulary Practice Jumble  Web Field Trip- Batter Up! Web Field Trip- Batter Up! Web Field Trip- Batter Up!  E-Word Game E-Word Game E-Word Game  Book Review The Luckiest Man Alive Book Review The Luckiest Man Alive Book Review The Luckiest Man Alive  Lou Gehrig Biography on Wikipedia Lou Gehrig Biography on Wikipedia Lou Gehrig Biography on Wikipedia  Test Tutor-Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots Test Tutor-Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots Test Tutor-Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots  Ideas for good writers-personal narratives Ideas for good writers-personal narratives Ideas for good writers-personal narratives

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