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BIT 286: Web Applications Lecture 10 : Thursday, February 5, 2015 ASP.Net Form Submission.

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Presentation on theme: "BIT 286: Web Applications Lecture 10 : Thursday, February 5, 2015 ASP.Net Form Submission."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIT 286: Web Applications Lecture 10 : Thursday, February 5, 2015 ASP.Net Form Submission

2 Examining Edit Form submission started/introduction/examining-the-edit-methods-and-edit-view 2

3 Examining Edit: First Visit: Controller  Controller method for first time (non-POST) visit:  Notice how similar this looks to the Details page // GET: Movies/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int? id) { if (id == null) { return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } Movie movie = db.Movies.Find(id); if (movie == null) { return HttpNotFound(); } return View(movie); } 3

4 Examining Edit: First Visit: the View  Edit.cshtml @model MVCBasics.Models.Movie @{ ViewBag.Title = "Edit"; } Edit @using (Html.BeginForm()) { @Html.AntiForgeryToken() Movie 4  The rendered HTML Edit Movie

5 XSRF/CSRF Cross-Site Request Forgery  Good explanation at ASP.Net Good explanation at ASP.Net  Essentially, you visit Web Site #1 and legitimately log in  The browser keeps the authentication info until the web browser process exits  The browser also automatically re-sends the authentication info whenever you visit that site.  This is very convenient when you’re on Web Site #1  You go to Web Site #2, which attempts to access Web Site #1  E.g., Web Site #2 creates it’s own form, whose action is to submit to Web Site #1  Your browser conveniently re-sends the authentication info along with the form  Web Site #2 can now act as you on Web Site #1  This is the ‘cross site’ part  I’ve heard that this can be done even by ads served to you on pages you trust.  I’d be surprised if Google, MS, etc, would let this happen, but you don’t control which ad- serving arrangements are used by the websites you visit. 5

6 XSRF/CSRF Cross-Site Request Forgery  We can combat this with anti-forgery tokens  Web Site #1 will generate a random number and put it into a hidden field in the form it sends to you  (This is the anti-forgery token)  Web Site #1 will check (when you post that form back) that the number in your form matches the one it sent you  This prevents Web Site #2 from making up it’s own form  Because it can’t generate the same random numbers as Web Site #1 6

7 Examining Edit: First Visit: the View  Edit.cshtml Movie @Html.ValidationSummary(true, "", new { @class = "text-danger" }) @Html.HiddenFor(model => model.ID) @Html.LabelFor(model => model.Title, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "control-label col-md-2" }) @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Title, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control" } }) @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Title, "", new { @class = "text-danger" }) } @Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "Index") @section Scripts { @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval") } 7  The rendered HTML Title

8 Examining Edit: POSTing the edits: Controller  Controller method for POST visit: [HttpPost] // Only used for HTTP POST requests; HTTP Get is the default [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] // checks @Html.AntiForgeryToken() from View public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "ID,Title,ReleaseDate,Genre,Price")] Movie movie) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(movie).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } return View(movie); } 8

9 Examining Edit: POSTing the edits  Controller method for POST visit: public ActionResult Edit( [ Bind(Include = "ID,Title,ReleaseDate,Genre,Price") ] Movie movie ) { /* Snip */  Include is the list of properties (data fields) to extract from the form  Other fields are left blank in the movie object, even if they’re present in the form  These data fields are filled in for you, automatically, on the movie object. 9

10 Security Risk: Overposting  Normally you’d never put extra properties in your form….  …but hackers might download & save a copy and add stuff.  For example, let’s say that the ‘Edit User’s Unimportant Account Info’ page normally just lets you update your firstname, last name, nickname, picture, etc, etc.  But does NOT let you change the password  You can go to that page, select ‘Save As’ in your browser, edit the form locally to also include a new password for the user, and then submit the form.  If you blindly bound the movie object to ALL fields, and saved the whole object you’d update the password  The ‘Include’ attribute allows you to only bind to some of the fields  Also a good explanation at MSDNgood explanation at MSDN 10

11 Search started/introduction/adding-search 11

12 Tutorial Outline  Adding a search term  ‘Search’ Param added to controller method  LINQ query  Important details about when this actually gets executed  Goofy re-use of ‘id’ parameter for a nicer URL  Adding a form  Want to use GET, not POST (GET = retrieve, POST = change DB state)  Decorate form so that it’ll get, not post  Filtering by genre  Querying for the list of genres  Handling a GET’d search  Updating the view to support the above 12

13 Adding a parameter public ActionResult Index(string searchString) { var movies = from m in db.Movies select m; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString)) { movies = movies.Where(s => s.Title.Contains(searchString)); } return View(movies); } 13 This is LINQ This defines, but does NOT execute the query This modifies the definition of the query LINQ actually maps to SQL (as opposed to doing a SELECT * and then filtering the results in C#

14 My opinion: using ‘id’ as the parameter  This seems goofy – it does produce a nice URL, but the controller code is kinda ugly (notice how they promptly renamed the parameter) 14

15 Adding a New Field started/introduction/adding-a-new-field 15

16 Outline 16

17 Adding Validation started/introduction/adding-validation 17

18 Examining the Details and Delete Methods started/introduction/examining-the-details-and-delete-methods 18

19 Topics For Later  Account Management:  dotnet-deploy-aspnet-mvc-app-membership-oauth-sql-database/ dotnet-deploy-aspnet-mvc-app-membership-oauth-sql-database/  Entity Framework:  Foreign keys  How does it handle objects with references to other objects?  JavaScript/jQuery integration? 19

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