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Multiple-Choice Questions INTL. 204 Comparative Politics

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1 Multiple-Choice Questions INTL. 204 Comparative Politics
NIGERIA Multiple-Choice Questions INTL. 204 Comparative Politics

2 Question 1: Between 1805 and 1960, the colonial rulers of Nigeria were
French Portuguese British German

3 Question 2: In the 16th and 17th century, the major source of export income was Cotton Cocoa Slaves Peanuts

4 Question 3: The strategy of “indirect rule”
Supported the rule of traditional leaders Meant that only British military non-commissioned officers were in charge Allowed for the development of indigenous political parties Allowed intervention into everyday life by the colonizers

5 Question 4: The “dependency ratio” is a measure of
The proportion of non-working population to working population The proportion of individuals on government welfare to those not on government welfare The degree to which the country is dependent on foreign aid A measure designed to indicate dependency on foreign imports vs. exports

6 Question 5: Petroleum production began to be a significant export earning in the 1950s the 1960s the 1970s the 1980s

7 Question 6: Oil revenues accrue to private companies foreign companies
region where the oil is produced the state of Nigeria

8 Question 7: Which groups have most influence on the Nigerian state?
associational groups nonassociational groups religious and ethnic groups institutional groups

9 Question 8: Multiple ethnic identities have had
A fragmenting effect on political structure A unifying effect given the consensus on ideology No effect whatsoever Increasingly less influence in Nigerian politics

10 Question 9: Islamic Catholic Animist Hindu
Where the south is generally a mixture of indigenous religions and Christianity, the north is primarily Islamic Catholic Animist Hindu

11 Question 10: The Biafran War took place in 1948 1954 1967 1983

12 Question 11: Another word for clientelism is Business associate
Patronage Corruption Accountability

13 Question 12: The official language of Nigeria is Hausa-Fulani French
English There is no official language

14 Question 13: Nigerian federalism is supported largely by
Control over petroleum revenues Federal military and police units Consensus of the ethnic groups Adherence to Constitutional principles

15 Question 14: The organizational base of most political parties is
the family and community religious factions labor unions ethnic and regional

16 Question 15: ECOWAS is a regional organization that is active
as a political organization in support of the development of free trade zones as a regional security organization All of the above

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