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Web Graphics By Chris Harding. Contents  Software  Vector Graphics and Pixel Based  Transparent Images  Compression  GIF vs. JPEG  Animated GIF.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Graphics By Chris Harding. Contents  Software  Vector Graphics and Pixel Based  Transparent Images  Compression  GIF vs. JPEG  Animated GIF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Graphics By Chris Harding

2 Contents  Software  Vector Graphics and Pixel Based  Transparent Images  Compression  GIF vs. JPEG  Animated GIF

3 Software  Fireworks (Part of Macromedia Suite)  Photoshop  Paint Shop Pro  Microsoft Paint

4 Web Graphics  Should be kept small. Around 100K mark  Large graphics take time to download  Lots of small graphics can make a sight look good  But cause long page loading times

5 Types of Web Graphics  BMP  PNG  JPEG  GIF

6 Vector Graphics/Pixel  Vector:  Mathematical formula  Smooth edges  Bitmap/Rasterised:  Pixelated

7 Transparent Image  Can be JPEG or GIF  Best done with GIF  Can select one colour to be transparent or background  Best results make Background one colour (like pink!)  Select background for transparent layer

8 Compression  Compacting information  Lossless  Lossy  Lossless  All information retained  Lossy  Information is lost

9 Compression: Lossless (1/3)  Selected information is retained  Example:  aabbbccdddddee  2a3b2c5d2e

10 Compression: Lossless (2/3)  PSD: 6.9 MB  BMP: 1.37 MB

11 Compression: Lossless (3/3)  GIF: 86KB

12 Compression: Lossy (1/2)  Image information  Entropy – data kept  Redundancy – data removed

13 Compression: Lossy (2/2)  Original: 453KB ● JPEG: 4KB

14 Compression Methods  RLE (Run Length Encoding)  Lossless: common Windows file formats.  LZW (Lemple-Zif-Welch)  Lossless: TIFF, PDF, GIF, and PostScript.  Most useful for large areas of single color.  JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)  Lossy: JPEG, TIFF, PDF and PostScript.  Continuous-tone images ie photographs  ZIP  Lossless: PDF and TIFF.  Most effective for large areas of single color.

15 File>Save as... what?! (1/2) Original 2.9 MBs JPEG 275 KBs GIF 161KBs

16 File>Save as... what?! (2/2) Original 372 KBs JPEG 13 KBs GIF 7KBs

17 Animated GIF  Number of different frames  Saved in one file (can be very large)  Play once or looped

18 Animated GIF  Made up of 7 frames  4 frames below  Looped file

19 Web Graphics with CSS  Use CSS with images to create visual effects Add round border to tables Roll over images Menu items  Practical tutorial on this topic next week

20 Summary  Software  Vector Graphics and Pixel Based  Compression Lossless Lossy  GIF vs. JPEG for different uses  Introduce Animated GIF

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