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Travel Brochure of the Digestive System

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1 Travel Brochure of the Digestive System
Duodenum Dynamics Ad Agency Manager: Vella Liu 11B

2 A luxury tour The Digestive System!!! The most fabulous tourist destination ever! You just need to take nearly a week, enjoy the beautiful scenes (Biology is beautiful!) and get better understanding of your body. You will become a bolus and travel along the path of the Digestive system Fee: for adult $200/person for children $100/person insurance $20/person 2

3 Our destinations Compare mechanical digestion to chemical digestion P4--5 List the parts of the digestive system and give their functions, potential risks& Describe the structure of the villi and explain how its function is related to its structure P7--30 Discuss the importance of the liver and pancreas in digestion. List the substances they produce and explain their function. P32--37 Explain the results of the chemical digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and discuss if this digestion occurs in the mouth stomach and/or small intestines & Explain the function of the digestive enzymes (amylase, protease and lipase) P39--43 3

4 mechanical digestion v.s chemical digestion
What? Physically breaks down the food Where and How? 1.In oral Cavity, the teeth chew the food 2. In the stomach, it’s the churning and mixing food Mechanical digestion works similar to the electronic blender 4

5 Why? Food can be absorbed more easily.
Chemical digestion What? Breaking down food macromolecules to smaller molecules by enzymes (different enzymes have different functions) Why? Food can be absorbed more easily. Where? Oral cavity, stomach, intestines. 5

6 Let’s start our alimentary canal tour!
Each part of the digestive system is a tourist attraction Each digestive system malfunction or disease will receive a caution. (That’s what your insurance for) 6

7 Oral Cavity What? A fancy way to say “mouth”
Function: receive & store food while the teeth are chewing it. (without this closed area, the food will never ever get into your stomach) Made up of: Lips: hold the food (like the guard of oral cavity) Teeth: physically break down food into bolus Tongue: directs food towards teeth, and then directs bolus towards the pharynx 7

8 Important features: Salivary glands Function: produce saliva
Saliva’s function:1.makes food wet (become slippery and be easily swallowed) 2.Contains enzymes break down starch into carbohydrates (the last part of ppt will describe enzymes in details) 3.locations of salivary glands: Sublingual gland (beneath the tongue), Submandibular gland (beneath the floor of the mouth), Parotoid gland (right in front of ears, on the cheek ) 8

9 2.Pharynx 2.1 Where? 1.Back of the throat
2.Includes oral and nasal cavities & where they join 9

10 2.2 Important features Epiglottis 1.Covers the glottis
2.The entrance of trachea 3. Close when swallowing happens Why? Preventing the bolus goes to wrong way 10

11 2.3 extra information: swallowing
Process: Reflex action:1.bolus moves down to the throat 2.soft palate closes the nasopharynx, epiglottis closes the trachea 3. bolus moves down to the esophagus, peristalsis (explained later) happens 11

12 3.The Esophagus 3.1 What? Muscular tube, joins the pharynx and the stomach, expands only when bolus comes down 3.2 Function: passageway, pushes bolus downwards to the stomach through peristalsis 12

13 3.3 Important process: peristalsis
What? Rhythmic contraction squeezes bolus downwards Location: the esophagus, continues in all the organs of the digestive pathway (i.e. the intestine tract) Explanation: the area above the bolus squeezes; however, the bolus and the area below the bolus are relaxed. As a result, it’s easy to push bolus downwards 13


15 4. The stomach 4.1 Structure: J-shaped, thick wall with folds (rugae), mucous on the inside surface 4.2 Location: left side of the body, below the liver, above the pancreas 4.3 Function: 1.stores food 2. Churns food, helps digesting food physically product: acid chyme 3. Begins digestion of protein 4. Moves food to the small intestine 15

16 4.4 sphincters Cardiac Sphincter Band of muscle
At the top of the stomach Function: 1.prevent stomach acid from entering the esophagus 2.Opens when bolus enter to the stomach Pyloric Sphincter Band of muscle At the bottom of the stomach Function:1.acid chyme can’t easily escape 2. Allows small amounts of chyme entering the duodenum 16

17 4.5 Caution (additional info)
4.51 Heartburn Gastric juice escapes the guarding (cardiac sphincter) enters the esophagus The pain often rises in the chest, may radiates to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. Internal fire, rising from the stomach 17

18 4.52 gastric perforation What? The mucous (internal layer) of the stomach The penetration of the wall of the stomach exists a hole stomach contents escape into the abdominal cavity Harm: potential bacterial infection to the abdominal cavity & entire body 18

19 4.6 gastric juice 4.61 stomach acid Mainly: HCl acidic pH
Function: 1.prodives the optimum pH for pepsinogen to work 2. Kill bacteria inside the food 4.62 pepsinogen Importance: changes into pepsin (enzyme) when exposed to HCl Pepsin function: break down protein into peptides

20 5. Duodenum First 25cm of the small intestine
Contain ducts connected with the gall bladder and the pancreas Bile and pancreatic juice come and join here (details explained later) Duodenum and internal surface 20

21 6. The Small Intestine 6.1 Diameter: small 2.5cm Distance: long 7m
6.2 Function: 1. further digestion 2. Absorption of nutrients 6.3 Important feature: Villi, microvilli, lacteals Villi: projection, finger like, epithelial cells on the outside Microvilli: on the epithelial cells, similar structure 21

22 Function of villi and microvilli: the shape of them increase surface area more site for absorption
Lacteal: blood capillaries (even microvilli have these) + lymphatic capilary How it function: absorbs the nutrients (i.e. fatty acids and amino acids), and they will travel through the veins, be used by the cells of the entire body 22

23 23

24 7.Appendix 7.1 Location: at the junction of the small intestine and colon (connect them) 7.2 Function: no functions in human bodies 24

25 7.3 appendicitis (extra info)
Inflammation of the appendix How it forms: the food goes into the wrong way, it accumulates inside the appendix, the appendix may burst, and the result may cause death 25

26 8. The large intestine (colon)
8.1 consists of : cecum (the first length of it), ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon 8.2 Diameter: larger 6.5cm Distance: shorter 1.5m 8.3 Escherichia coli: the colon is there home Break down some indigestible material, produce some vitamins and molecules, beneficial to humans 26

27 8.4 Function:1. absorbs water, salts, vitamins
2. Forms the indigestible wastes as feces 27

28 9. Pelvic Cavity 9.1 Rectum Structure: pouch like, enlarged portion
Function: stores undigested food (feces) for a short period of time rectum 28

29 1.A sphincter = a band of muscle
9.2 Anus 1.A sphincter = a band of muscle 2. Allow undigested wastes (feces) to exit the body 3. Why this is important? Without it, we can’t control the feces getting out of our bodies, so it will cause gatism 29

30 The important process: Elimination / defacation
4.By the way------ The important process: Elimination / defacation Discharge of feces from the rectum through the anus 30

31 Let’s zoom in the liver and the pancreas!
special top 2 tourist attractions

32 10. The Liver 10.1 Function: 1. produce bile
2. Destroys old red blood cells, converts hemoglobin to the bile 3. After eating: stores glucose as glycogen Between eating: breaks down glycogen into glucose 4. deamination: breaks down amino acids & produces urea 32

33 5. (also) produces blood proteins from amino acids
6. Detoxifies and metabolizes poisonous substances 10.2 Importances: Maintain the blood glucose level bile: emulsifies fats= breaks fats down into fat droplets easier for body to absorb fat molecules 33

34 11. The Gall Bladder Function: stores the bile
Process: 1.acid chyme stimulates the duodenal wall 2.release cck 3.stimulates the release of bile 34

35 12. The Pancreas 12.1 Both an Exocrine and an Endocrine organ
12.2 Exocrine: enzymes Pancreatic amylase: breaks downstarch into maltose Trysin (protease): breaks down protein into peptides 3. Lipase: breaks down fat droplets into glycerol and fatty acids

36 12.3 Endocrine (produces hormones)
Insulin Function: lower the blood concentration Makes liver and muscles store spare glucose Helps synthesis of protein, fats glucagon Function: increases the blood concentration Makes liver and muscles break down glycogen Stops synthesis of protein, fats

37 12.4 sodium bicarbonate NaHCO₃ (basic)
Function: be secreted by the pancreas in order to neutralize the acid in the acid chyme (get a neutral pH, the duodenum doesn’t have the mucous like the one the stomach has)

38 The results of the chemical digestion of organic molecules
& Let’s get to know some friends!! (function of the enzymes)

39 13.carbohydrates Process: hydrolysis 13.1 Enzyme: Salivary amylase
Location: mouth Produced by: salivary glands Function: starch + H2O  maltose 13.2 enzyme: Pancreatic amylase Location: small intestine (the duodenum) Produced by: the pancreas

40 13.3 Enzyme: maltase Location: small intestine Produced by: small intestine Function: Maltose + H2O  Glucose + Glucose

41 14. Proteins 14.1 Enzyme: Pepsin (protease)
Produced by: gastric glands Location: the stomach Function: Protein + H2O Peptides 14.2 Enzyme: Trypsin (protease) Produced by: the pancreas Location: the duodenum (small intestine)

42 14.3 Enzyme: Peptidases Produced by: small intestine Location: small intestine Function: Peptides + H2O  Amino Acids

43 15. fats 15.1 bile (not an enzyme) Produced by: the liver
Location: the duodenum Function: break down fats into droplets physically 15.2 Enzyme: lipase Location: the duodenum (small intestine) Produced by: pancreas Function: Fats + H2O  Glycerol + 3 fatty acids

44 Reference A lot of thanks to Mr. H’s notes!
A lot of thanks to Biology 12 textbook Extra information (digestive problems and diseases)

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