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Christianity: the Knowledge Welcome to Bishop Woodford House.

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Presentation on theme: "Christianity: the Knowledge Welcome to Bishop Woodford House."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christianity: the Knowledge Welcome to Bishop Woodford House.

2 Christianity: the Knowledge Session 1: ‘The Knowledge’ ~ Beliefs and Concepts in Christianity.

3 The Knowledge

4 What do you know about Christianity? Teachers come with different levels of expertise.

5 What Christianity should you be tackling in school? Cambridgeshire The Suffolk Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2006

6 What kind of Christianity do you want to portray? Positive Present Living Cross-curricular Rich and varied Multi-cultural

7 Grave concerns over Christianity teaching – Alan Brine (HMI) Teachers still think they may be involved in nurture. Teachers bring huge assumptions / baggage about Christianity. Teachers try to cover too much content. Teachers ‘can’t see the wood for the trees’ and unsure where each tree fits. Teachers see its value as PSHE and ‘learning from’ is not LF Religion. He advises a more theological approach ….

8 What if we taught Christianity through its key ideas, beliefs or concepts…. Where would you start? And how would they relate to an RE syllabus ….. …and the 2 ATs ‘Learning about Religion’ and … ‘Learning from Religion’. ‘Learning from Religion’.

9 Concepts in Christianity 1.creation 2.sin 3.gospel 4.incarnation 5.Kingdom of God 6.disciple 7.salvation 8.atonement 9.resurrection 10.reconciliation 11.hope 12.judgement Concepts: big ideas around which religions are formed and through which they must be viewed.

10 The Work of Trevor and Margaret Cooling

11 Maybe we could write a whole curriculum based around this idea and … start each unit by unpacking a concept in a practical and exciting way, making it relevant to our pupils and.. link to religious material, customs, traditions, etc Taking on the concepts …..


13 Christianity: the Knowledge SalvationIncarnationReconciliation Kingdom of God Hope

14 In looking at these five Christian concepts we are also dealing with these questions: What do Christians say about our world? What do Christians say about God? What do Christians say about humans? What do Christians say about how to live? What do Christians say about our future?

15 Questions?

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