An e-Portfolio for Kelvin Bentley, Ph.D.. Overview of Qualifications Educational Background  Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Delaware Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "An e-Portfolio for Kelvin Bentley, Ph.D.. Overview of Qualifications Educational Background  Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Delaware Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 An e-Portfolio for Kelvin Bentley, Ph.D.

2 Overview of Qualifications Educational Background  Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Delaware Teaching Experience  5 years of teaching experience at the assistant professor level since 1999 including teaching both on-campus and online courses  Developed online courses in research design, abnormal psychology, and psychological testing Administrative Experience  Coordinator of Online Degree Program in Psychology at Northwestern State University (2001-2003) Coordinator of Online Degree Program in Psychology at Northwestern State University (2001-2003)  Acting Chairperson of the Department of Psychology at NSU (2002-2003) Acting Chairperson of the Department of Psychology at NSU (2002-2003)  Dean of General Education for Baker College Online (since September 2003)

3 Instructional Resources Developed for Online Students and Faculty Members Online Course Resources  Flash Cards Created Using PowerPoint  Lecture Notes Created Using Agility Presenter Lecture Notes Created Using Agility Presenter Faculty Training Resource  Faculty Training Module for New Baker College Online Faculty Using Camtasia Studio Developed content for a CD-ROM to help orient new students to online courses

4 Administrative Experience Coordinator of Online Degree Program in Psychology at Northwestern State University  July 2001 to September 2003  Provided online advising to prospective and current online students using AOL IM  Created an Access database to track registration and academic performance of enrolled students  Served as webmaster of online degree website online degree website

5 Administrative Experience Acting Chair of the Department of Psychology at NSU  August 2002 to September 2003  Created semester teaching schedules for campus-based and online courses  Supervised and evaluated full-time and adjunct faculty members  Supervised a full-time department secretary  Managed an operating budget of over $700,000 as the Acting Chair of the Department of Psychology

6 Administrative Experience Dean of General Education for Baker College  September 2003 to present  Hire new online instructors  Staff, supervise, and evaluate the quality of instruction of over 80 adjunct faculty  Develop policies for online instruction  Develop content for faculty orientation  Collaborate with faculty on curriculum issues  Collaborate with an instructional designer on curriculum redesign issues

7 Other Notable Experiences Online Survey Development  Research Projects  Staffing Survey for Baker College Faculty  Student Satisfaction Survey

8 Other Notable Experiences Research Projects  Attrition and Performance in Online Courses  Blackboard Study Blackboard Study Served as co-principal investigator for the following grant projects:  Board of Regents Distance Education Initiative Grant ($80,600) Board of Regents Distance Education Initiative Grant ($80,600)  Board of Regents of Louisiana Enhancement Grant ($16,000) Board of Regents of Louisiana Enhancement Grant ($16,000)

9 Additional Documents Supporting Paper Documents include:  Performance Evaluations  Award Example  Professional Development Example Internet 2 Training Via Video Training  Presentation and Publication Examples  Grant-related Supporting Documents

10 Additional Documents Additional documents within the “Documents” folder of the CD-ROM

11 For Additional Information… Please contact me if you have any questions about my educational and professional backgrounds Office: 810.766.4342 Cell: 302.983.9185 Email:

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