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The History of Halloween. Where did it come from?

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Presentation on theme: "The History of Halloween. Where did it come from?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The History of Halloween

2 Where did it come from?

3 Pomona Roman goddess of fruitful abundance Known for carrying a cornucopia from“pomum”which means fruit

4 Parentalia Roman festival of the dead “ancestral days”, honoring passed family members Observed Feb. 13- 21 First pointing towards “spooky” spirits and ghosts

5 Celtic Festivals Samhain- old Irish for “summers end” Celts felt that spirits and magic were more present as the cold set in Built huge bonfires to ward off spirits Carved turnips

6 Medieval Christianity Known as All Saints Day A time to honor the dead who had not yet gone to heaven Another reference to the “spooky” spirits we think of today

7 Irish & Scottish Immigrants to America Brought with them Celtic tradition of Samhain Originally celebrated in small immigrant communities Spread to a nationwide holiday and adopted an American fruit, the pumpkin

8 Why do we call it Halloween?

9 a Scottish variant of the fuller All-Hallows-Evening Hallowmas- another name for All Saints Day All Hallows Eve Hallowtide in Britain

10 Where do our Halloween “customs” come from?

11 Costumes Originates from Scottish “guising”, going from house to house in disguise Became very popular in the U.S. around the 1930’s because of the Great Depression

12 Trick-or-Treating Originates in the Middle Ages Poor would go door to door receiving food for prayers The threat of a trick if one does not receive a treat Became popular in the 1950’s

13 Food & Symbols Pumpkin – native to Americas, was not originally part of Halloween A symbol of the harvest Carving originated in Ireland and Scotland Immigrants found pumpkins more available and easier to carve when they came to America

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