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Reading A. 1. Do you like plants? 2. What is your favorite plants? Warm-up Let me show you some of my favourite. Do you know how to call them? tulip bamboo.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading A. 1. Do you like plants? 2. What is your favorite plants? Warm-up Let me show you some of my favourite. Do you know how to call them? tulip bamboo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading A

2 1. Do you like plants? 2. What is your favorite plants? Warm-up Let me show you some of my favourite. Do you know how to call them? tulip bamboo trees

3 Plants are a part of our world. They are like our friends. They make our world more beautiful.

4 3. Can you guess what we will read today? Plants. Some strange plants. Warm -up

5 Let’s get to know some unusual plants. 不寻常的 The Venus Flytrap cactus The Giant Redwood tree

6 It is a dangerous plant, it will eat some inserts, such as flies. It has sentitive leaves Which work as traps. If you touch It,it will shut at once. A fly

7 1.weild 不寻常的 2.bodyguard 保镖 苍蝇 4.sensitive 感觉敏锐的 5. trap 陷阱 6.shut 关闭 7.tonne 吨 8.unusual 特别的, 不寻常的, 罕见的 9.cactas 仙人掌 New words

8 New words: 10.desert 沙漠 11.thirsty 口渴的, 缺水的 12.period 一段时间, 时期 13.precious 宝贵的, 珍贵的 14.defend 防御, 保卫, 保护 15.fiece 凶猛的, 凶残的 16.approach 靠近, 接近 17.reward 奖励, 回报 18.branch 树枝

9 A1 Look at the title, the pictures and the introduction and choose answers to the following questions. 1. What does this passage talk about? a. Films. b. Plants. 2. How do all of them look like? a. Strange. b. Huge and old. c. Hungry and thirsty. Pre-reading

10 While-reading—Fast read and match the description with plants. Description Plant 1. It is very big and high. 2. It kills insects. 3. It lives in deserts and is always thirsty 4. It has ants as its bodyguards. Venus flytrap Giant Redwood cactus Acacia tree

11 Description Plant 5. It has sharp leaves. 6. It is dangerous for flies. 7. It first appeared in the Americas. 8. Its sensitive leaves can shut very quickly. Venus flytrap Acacia tree cactus Venus flytrap

12 A4 Read the passage again and decide whether the statements are T (True) or F (False). 1 The Venus flytrap only kills flies. 2 The Venus flytrap kills insects with the hairs on its leaves. 3 California has the highest tree on Earth. 4 The cactus in deserts does not need a lot of water. F F T F While-reading

13 A4 Read the passage again and decide whether the statements are T (True) or F (False). 5 The ants do not want share the Acacia tree with other insects or animals. 6 The Acacia tree is attacked by the ants. F T

14 Try to finish the blanks. This is the _____________ It is a very ___________ plant for insects like _____. It has very _________ leaves which wok as_______. There are ______ on the leaves. If a fly touches one of the hairs, the leaves will______ together immediately. Insects often try to ________ from it, but the plant is much ______ than them. They are quickly ______,and then the plant slowly eats Them. Venus flytrap. dangerous flies sensitive traps hairs shut escape faster caught

15 What’s the plant called? The big plant is planted in _________ One Giant Redwood there stands ______ metres high. It weighs about two thousand _______. No other type of tree grows _______ than the Giant Redwood. It’s giant redwood. California. 84 tonnes higher

16 What is the plant called? What is the plant called? It was first found in the _________. It is usually found in _______, but this _______ plant collects up 8 tons of water during brief ______ of rain. It brief ______ of rain. It has very sharp leaves has very sharp leaves to help protect its ________ water. to help protect its ________ water. It is the cactus. Americas deserts 仙人掌 thirsty periods precious 宝贵的

17 What is the plant called? It is planted in ______________. It is ________ by armies of ____. The _______ ants attack any other insects or animals which _________, and even destroy other trees which grow nearby. The tree gives “_______ ” to these ants, like special _________ to live in and plenty of food to eat. It is a special kind of Acacia tree. 金合欢树 South America defended fierce approach ants rewards branches

18 Useful expressions: 1. 两千吨 2. 在短期 3. 密切的关系 4. 大量的食物 5. 收集 6. 被保护 two thousand tonnes during brief periods of close relationship(s) plenty of food collect up be defended by

19 Useful expressions: 7 从 … 中逃脱 escape from 8. 一些 … 另一些 some …others 9. 大量的 plenty of

20 Post-reading Group-work: oral practise Describe one of the plants we learned today to your group. Your can use the picture to help you. cactus The Giant Redwood tree The Venus Flytrap Acacia tree

21 见学案

22 (1) Write a short passage to talk about one of the four strange plants. (2) Finish the Exercise paper 。

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