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500 100 200 300 400 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 100 AGE OF Exploration Empire Building Causes Of WWI WWI (2) True or False 100 200 300 400 500 300.

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2 500 100 200 300 400 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 100 AGE OF Exploration Empire Building Causes Of WWI WWI (2) True or False 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500

3 Q: 100 Which European country had the monopoly on the trade with Asia.


5 Q: 200 Who was the Portuguese explorer who sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and then crossed the waters to reach Asia?

6 A:200

7 Q: 300 Name three technological advances during the Age of Exploration.

8 A: 300

9 Q: 400 In the 1400’s, this man helped his country take an early lead in exploration by funding voyages along the coast of Africa. Who was he, and where was he from?

10 A:400

11 Q:500 Name three reasons for exploration.

12 A:500 GOODS- Spices, other natural resources, and land. GLORY-find new technologies, spread empires GOD-spread Christianity

13 Q:100 _________________ is a term used to describe a period of rapid colonization of the African continent by European powers

14 A:100

15 Q:200 Which of the following is the least likely reason for establishment of European colonies? A.Europeans wanted to spread Christianity B.European industry needed more sources of raw materials. C.Europeans were interested in learning from other cultures. D.Europeans thought that colonies would buy European products

16 A: 200

17 Q: 300 What is the policy of obtaining and occupying colonies to form an empire? A. Colonization B. Conquering C. Imperialism D. Imposing

18 A: 300

19 Q: 400 Give three reasons that motivated empire building.

20 A: 400 –Expand territory –Natural resources –A Market for goods –Spread Christianity

21 Q: 500 The arrow points to the empire of__________

22 A: 500

23 Q: 100 __________ is a strong pride in one’s nation or ethnic group.

24 A: 100

25 Q: 200 What were the MAIN causes of WWI?

26 A: 200

27 Q: 300 Why did many European countries form alliances in the early 1900’s?

28 A: 300 In the early 1900’s, nations feared one another. Each nation was afraid another would invade or try to take over its territory.

29 Q: 400 Why is the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand significant?

30 A: 400.

31 Q: 500 Archduke Franz Ferdinand was murdered by __________, who was a member of a terrorist group called the ____________

32 A: 500 Archduke Franz Ferdinand was murdered by Gavrilo Princip, who was a member of a Serbian terrorist group called the Black Hand.

33 Q:100 Which country was the first to declare war?

34 A:100

35 Q: 200 Germany’s attack upon which country directly provoked Britain to go to war?.

36 A: 200 Russia

37 Q: 300 What year did the United States declare war on Germany?

38 A: 300

39 Q: 400 List four countries that made up the Central Powers

40 A: 400 Central Powers Germany Austria Hungary Ottoman Empire Bulgaria

41 Q: 500 List four restrictions that the Treaty of Versailles put on Germany.

42 A: 500 1.Germany had to accept full responsibility of the war 2.Give up some of its land and territories. 3.Limit its armed forces and stop production of all war materials. 4.Pay the allied countries for war damages.

43 Q:100 What treaty forced Germany to accept blame for WWI?

44 A: 100

45 Q: 200 The largest colonial empire was established by, which could claim by 1900 that the sun never set on their empire. Eventually, however, competition between European countries for colonies led to.

46 A: 200 The largest colonial empire was established by Great Britain, which could claim by 1900 that the sun never set on their empire. Eventually, however, competition between European countries for colonies led to WWI.

47 Q: 300 Put the following statements in the correct order: US joins the war The Treaty of Versailles is signed Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Germany sinks four American merchant ships Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

48 A: 300 1.Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 2.Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia 3.Germany sinks four American merchant ships. 4.US joins the war 5.The Treaty of Versailles is signed.

49 Q: 400 How did the map of Europe change after WWI? Give at least two examples.

50 A: 400 New countries were formed and boundaries of some countries changed. See map below.

51 Q: 500 List 4 countries that made up the Allied Powers

52 A: 500 Allied Powers France Russia (Left in 1917) United States (Entered in 1917) Serbia Italy Great Britain

53 Q: 100 True or False Spain and Portugal were the first two countries to break the monopoly between the Italians and Muslims during the Age of Exploration.

54 A: 100

55 Q: 200 True or False Dias sailed westward and founded present day New Foundland (Canada).

56 A: 200 John Cabot sailed westward and founded present day New Foundland. Dias sailed South the coast of Africa and founded Cape of Good Hope

57 Q: 300 True or False Germany attacked Serbia after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.

58 A: 300 Austria Hungary attacked Serbia.

59 Q: 400 True or False Trench warfare, nuclear weapons, machine guns were all part of WWI.

60 A: 400 False. Although trench warfare, and machine guns were used in WWI, nuclear weapons were not.

61 Q: 500 True or False In the 1800’s and early 1900’s, Europeans scrambled for control of colonies in the Americas.

62 A: 500 In the 1800’s and early 1900’s, Europeans scrambled for control of colonies in Africa, and Asia.

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