Welcome to our February Relay Rally WWW.ESRFL.ORG.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our February Relay Rally WWW.ESRFL.ORG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our February Relay Rally WWW.ESRFL.ORG

2 Mary Alexander Team of the Month Team Opheila’s Place

3 The Power of One

4 Mission Moment KaLynn Alley Ever wonder where the money goes that we raise for American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life?

5 Mission Moment KaLynn Alley

6 Logistics Kristi Reeser Water, water, water Lets have more fun! Questions?


8 Survivor/Caregiver Angela McClintic Caregiver T-Shirts



11 Luminaria Stevie Clifford To be more successful in 2012: Food for Lane County Can of food = extra prize ticket Remember NO SAND for 2012 Relay Slide show presentation during “Ceremony of Hope” $10 for name $15 for name and picture Luminaria bags – checked out – name and phone number Why – Less waste of bags, we would like to see more on the track and not left at home Contact Information for Stevie Clifford - Luminaria Chair stevieclifford@yahoo.com - 541-556-5979 stevieclifford@yahoo.com

12 CPS-3 Study Linda Schmitt CPS3 means…Cancer Prevention Study # 3 What is required? –Your information, a small amount of blood, and a commitment to answer questions when mailed to your home. When can I participate? –Willamette High School track, Friday July 27th 5-9pm Who can participate? Anyone 30-65 yrs old, never been diagnosed with cancer and willing to commit to a long term study. For more information – go to cancer.org/cps3 or email Linda at cps3esrfl@gmail.com

13 Volunteering Kristi Reeser volunteer.esrfl.org Quick, easy, and user friendly Plenty of opportunities *Don't forget! volunteer.esrfl.org

14 Kristen Salladay KaLynn Alley Noon to Noon…No More? 6:00pm Friday to 6:00pm Saturday

15 Kristen Salladay KaLynn Alley Question & Answer

16 Meet & Greet


18 Team Incentives Tiffani Noah All teams with 10 registered team members that have each raised $100.00 will go into a lottery for a tent site inside the track must be completed by 05/15/12. First 10 teams with 20 registered team members that have each raised $100.00 will receive 2 VIP parking Passes!!!

19 Kristen Salladay New Program to 2012 “Team Pacesetters”



22 Recognition Tiffani Noah We would like to recognize individual participants that have reached the following goals: $100 (One Hundred Dollars) $500 (Five Hundred Dollars)

23 Participants recognized with a button at the January meeting: $100 Raised$500 Raised Cricket McCloud – Celebrating Many Spirits Cheyenne Heron – Hopeful Spirits Diana Gluesen – For Jeannie & Mary Megan Heron – Hopeful Spirits Cathie Hoeckele – Hopeful Spirits Wenda Nickell – Lane County Sherriff’s Office Donovan Hagerman – Hopeful SpiritsDaniel Hoechlin – Team ORI Denise Reeves – M.R. Imaging – Walk 4 A CureKristen Salladay – Walk With Reason Lin Holmquist – Step Sisters Julie Carlson – Team Hope Cyndi Taylor – The Care Bears Tiffani Noah – Walk With Reason Emily Noah – Walk With Reason Mark Nored – Walk With Reason Susie Rice – WindWalkers Karen Sharkey – Kare ‘n Totes Participants that have earned their button this month: $100 Raised Merianne Moore – EPUD Power Walkers Linda Schmitt – Fred Meyer West 11 th Stephanie Rook – Kerri’s Kancer Kickers Trudy Skelley – Kerri’s Kancer Kickers Kathy Goan – Oregon Medical Group – Team 1 Shelley Williams – Rooters For Hooters Renee Jones – Stepping Up Debbie Marshall – Team Pape Cindy Winslow – Walmart Wigglers Springfield # 3239

24 Cell phone Recycling


26 Fundraisers

27 Important Dates 2012 “Team Meeting” Schedule/Important Dates: March 21 st Team Meeting 2 April 6th Registration deadline -- (Every Team registered through April 6 th will be eligible to confirm or choose a “Curbing Intersection”. April 18thTeam Meeting 3 May 15 th Registration deadline – (Every Team registered through May 15 th will be eligible to choose a “tent site”. May 16thTeam Meeting 4 - **Tent Site Selection** June 1stRegistration deadline for T-shirt availability June 13th Team Meeting 5 (NOTE: Second Wednesday) June 18th – 22nd Power of Purple Week (TBD) --Monday: Survivor Reception; Tuesday: Rally; Wednesday: Dining Out; Thursday: Curbing Cancer; Friday: Survivor Walk July 18thBank Night Team Meeting 6 July 27th & 28th RELAY FOR LIFE – WILLAMETTE HIGH SCHOOL, EUGENE, OR – Friday 6:00PM TO Saturday 6:00PM August 27thTeam Fundraising Cutoff for credit toward FY12, anything turned in afterwards will go toward FY13. Sept 19th Wrap up Party

28 Housekeeping Team Meeting Fundraising Tables: sign up at the back of the room if you are interested, no selling food this year. Still recruiting committee/sub-committee/day of event volunteers. Committee will be in the back of the room and will be available for additional Team Captain questions. March Challenge: Wear Relay Gear and bring someone who has never attended a meeting before. Thanks for coming our next Team Meeting will be March 21 st !

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