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Catalysts #40-48 COLLEGE READINESS SPRING 2015. Catalyst #40 April 6, 2015 Question of the Week: What was an interesting or "new" experience that you.

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Presentation on theme: "Catalysts #40-48 COLLEGE READINESS SPRING 2015. Catalyst #40 April 6, 2015 Question of the Week: What was an interesting or "new" experience that you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catalysts #40-48 COLLEGE READINESS SPRING 2015

2 Catalyst #40 April 6, 2015 Question of the Week: What was an interesting or "new" experience that you had over the break? OR What is an interesting or "new" type of experience that you've had at some point during high school? 1. What was the experience and when did it happen? CHOOSE 3 OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TO ANSWER: 2. What about this experience made it “interesting” or “new” for you? 3. Is this something that you would want to or plan to do again? Why or why not? 4. How did this experience involve friends, family, or both? 5. Describe your experience in one to three words: what adjective(s) or phrase would define it? 6. How was location important to this experience? In other words, how was it new or interesting because of where it took place? Don’t do anything with the card you are given!

3 SAT/ACT/MFL VOCABULARY 1. RESOLUTE (adjective) “Rez-uh-loot” Context clues: Jacob was resolute in his desire to win the game; he would stop at nothing to make sure he was the victor. A. Write the words that are synonyms for resolute: FIRM UNDECIDED STUBBORN UNSURE DETERMINED PERSISTENT HESITANT B. Write two antonyms for resolute. 2. INCONSEQUENTIAL (adjective) “in- kon-suh- kwen- shuhl” Context clues: The clothing designer pays attention to every single detail, even the seemingly inconsequential ones like the width of the buttonholes on shirts. A. Complete the two antonyms for inconsequential: imp _ _ _ _ _ _ si _ _ _f _ _ _ _t B. Write down three things about your day or week that have been inconsequential. 3. EMBELLISH (verb) “Im-bell-ish” Context clues: Claudia embellished her story; she claimed that not only had she seen Drake in New York City, but that he had asked her out to dinner and taken her to the fanciest restaurant in the city. A. Complete the three synonyms for embellish: ex _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ m _ _ n _ _ y en_ _ _ c _ B. Rewrite this sentence, embellishing it: The cat climbed up the tree, and the fireman rescued it. Catalyst #41 April 7, 2015

4 Catalyst #42 April 8, 2015 College Freshmen Seminar: Self-Management 1. Create the chart below in your journal and then turn to p. 132 in your OnCourse book. 2. Discuss with a partner: In which quadrant SHOULD you spend time? In which quadrant(s) do you see yourself spending a lot of time? (Then, complete the activity on the handout provided.) 3. What can you conclude about your time management? Will your current time management allow you to meet your goals? Why or why not? (Remember that your goal should be to mostly spend time in Quadrants 1 and especially 2). STOP HERE. 4. To know what quadrant I am in at any moment, I should ask myself: _____________________________ QUADRANT I : Important and Urgent Definition: QUADRANT II: Important and Not Urgent Definition: QUADRANT III Not Important and Urgent: Definition: QUADRANT IV: Not Important and not urgent Definition:

5 Catalyst #43 April 9, 2015 SAT/ACT/MFL Math Prep New seats today! Happy last 9 weeks! 1. 3(2y-3) = 27. Solve for y. A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6E. 7 2. If a + 3 = 14, then 2a – 6 equals what? A. 7B. 14C.16D. 18 E. 22 3. SAT QUESTION OF THE DAY: A geologist has 10 rocks of equal weight. If 6 rocks and a 10-ounce weight balances on a scale with 4 rocks and a 22-ounce weight, what is the weight, in ounces, of each rock? A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7E. 8 Hint: If you make x equal to the weight of one rock, then the weight of 6 rocks and a 10-ounce weight can be written as 6x + 10, and the weight of 4 rocks and a 22-ounce weight can be written as 4x + 22. Since the two sides of the scale balance, these equations are equal to one another.

6 Catalyst #44 April 10, 2015 WCU Presentation Number #1-10 in your journal. As you listen to the presentation, record 10 facts that you learn about WCU.

7 Catalyst #45 April 13, 2015 Question of the Week: What is (one of) the best/most significant thing(s) someone else has ever done for you? 1.Write the name of the person and what he or she did for you. CHOOSE 3 OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TO ANSWER: 2.How did you react? What did you say or do in response to this person’s actions? 3.Why was this action so important or meaningful for you? What did it represent about your relationship with this person? 4.Have you been able to do something important or meaningful for this person, too? Why or why not? 5. What makes this person’s actions stand out from the actions of other people in your life? Why does this person/their actions stand out to you more than anyone/anything else? 6.Do you believe that actions speak louder than words? Why or why not? 4 th period: Turn in reflection sheets!

8 SAT/ACT/MFL Vocabulary 1. FALLACY (noun) “Fal-uh- C” Context clues: A lot of people believe that wearing shorts and a t-shirt in cold weather will give you a cold, but that is just a fallacy. A. Complete the two synonyms for fallacy: e_ _ _r m y _ _ B. Write one antonym for fallacy. 2. EXPEDITE (verb) “X- puh- dy-tuh” Context clues: When he noticed a long line, the airport attendant announced, “In order to expedite the check-in process, please have your ID out and all of your paperwork already completed before reaching the front of the line.” A. Complete the synonyms for expedite: hu _ _ _ acc_ _ _ rate B. Write a sentence using the word expedite. 3. LATENT (adjective) “lay-tint” Context clues: Even though the volcano’s explosive ability is latent now, it could erupt at some point in the future. A. Write the words that are SYNONYMS: concealed revealed bare hidden naked exposed inactive B. Latent is often used as a medical term. What is an example of something related to your health that could become latent? Catalyst #46 April 14, 2015

9 Catalyst #47 April 15, 2015 College Freshman Seminar: Interdependence 1. First, let’s clarify: What does interdependence mean? 2. Now, turn to p. 186-187 and read the sections that match your card’s color: “Seek help from your instructors”, “Confused about future courses to take?”, “Academic problems?” “Money problems?” “Personal problems?” “Health problems?” “Problems deciding on a career?” “Problems getting involved socially at your college?” In a complete sentence, summarize the information that is given for EACH section you read. 3. As you hear about the other types of issues/resources, and then write down at least 2 things that you learn that you think would be helpful for you to know in college.

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