CIRCUITS Chapter 13.3. Electric Circuit An electrical device connected so that it provides one or more complete paths for the movement of charges.

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Presentation on theme: "CIRCUITS Chapter 13.3. Electric Circuit An electrical device connected so that it provides one or more complete paths for the movement of charges."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIRCUITS Chapter 13.3

2 Electric Circuit An electrical device connected so that it provides one or more complete paths for the movement of charges.

3 Schematic Diagram A graphic representation of an electric circuit or apparatus, with standard symbols for the electrical devices.

4 Wire or Conductor Wires that connect elements are conductors.

5 Resistor Wires with multiple bends indicating resistance to a straight path. http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/en.futurama/images/0/0d/200px-Resistor_symbol_America.svg.png

6 Bulb or Lamp The winding of the filament indirectly indicates that the light bulb is a resistor. http://cnx.org/content/m14370/latest/Schematic.png

7 Battery or Direct Current Source The difference in line height indicates a voltage between positive and negative terminals of the battery. The taller line represents the positive terminal of the battery. http://cnx.org/content/m14370/latest/Schematic.png

8 Switch The small circles indicate the two places where the switch makes contact with the wires. Most switches work by breaking only one of the contacts. Open switch Closed switch http://www.highschoolresource.energyaustralia.com.au/studentsElectricCircuits.html

9 Series Circuits A circuit that provides a single path for current to flow. As you add resistors, the total resistance (R T ) of the circuit increases causing the total current to decrease. The current through each resistor is the same no matter what the value of the resistor. The voltage of the battery is shared between each resistor.

10 Series Circuit If three lamps are connected in series and one lamp burns out, all the lamps are not going to light. The circuit will be broken. As identical lamps are added in series, the light will get dimmer because less current is flowing through the lamps

11 Parallel Circuit A circuit that provides two or more paths for current to flow. As you add resistors, the total resistance (R T ) in the circuit decreases causing the total current to increase.

12 Parallel Circuit The current through each resistor depends on the value of that particular resistor. The higher the resistance, the lesser the current that passes through the resistor.

13 Parallel Circuit The voltage of the battery is the same across each resistor. Each resistor gets the same voltage value of the battery.

14 Parallel Circuits If three lamps are connected in parallel and one lamp burns out, all the other lamps are still going to light. There is still a circuit intact.

15 Parallel Circuit As identical lamps are added in parallel, the brightness of the lamps will not change. More current is added.

16 Series CircuitParallel Circuit

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