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Chapter 13.

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1 Chapter 13

2 Chapter 13.1 Notes Electric charge an electrical property of matter that creates a force between object. Opposite charges attract Like charge repel Electrons negative charge (-) Protons positive charge (+) Neutrons no charge (0)

3 Conductor a material that transfers charge easily.
Insulator a material that does not transfer charge easily. Electric force the force of attraction or repulsion between objects due to charge.

4 Electric Field the region around a charged objects experience an electric force.

5 Chapter 13.2 Notes Electrical Potential Energy is potential energy of a charged object due to its position in an electric field. Potential difference the change in the electrical potential energy per unit charge. Cell a device that is a source of electrical current because of a potential difference, or voltage, between the terminals.

6 Current the rate that electric charges move through a conductor.
Resistance the ratio of the voltage across a conductor to the current it carries. Resistance = voltage current Semiconductor has properties in between conductors and insulators.

7 Chapter 13.3 Notes Electric circuit an electrical device connected so that it provides one or more complete paths for the movement of charges. Schematic diagram a graphic representation of an electric circuit or apparatus, with standard symbols for the electrical devices.

8 Series describe a circuit or portion of a circuit that provides a single conducting path.
Parallel describes components in a circuit that are connected across common points, providing two or more separate conducting paths. Power = Current X Voltage

9 Electrical energy the energy associated with electrical charges, whether moving or at rest.
Fuse an electrical device containing a metal strip that melts when current in the circuit becomes too great. Circuit breaker a device that protects a circuit from current overloads.

10 Work Cited “Lighting”. May 16, “Electricity”. May 16, “Electric Field”. May 16,

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