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” “The Lord Keeps His Covenant” Lesson 17: Psalm 105.

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1 ” “The Lord Keeps His Covenant” Lesson 17: Psalm 105

2 Introduction to Psalm 105 Psalm 105 is one of several Psalms that start with the phrase, “Oh, give thanks to the Lord.” (cf. 106, 107, 136). –The occasion that prompted this expression of thanks is found in 1 Chronicles 16 –Psalm 105:1-15 was written by David and delivered to Asaph on that occasion (1 Chronicles 16:8-22). Psalms 105 and 106 are historical Psalms. –They use facts of history to show the nature of God as a covenant keeper and the nature of man as a covenant breaker.

3 The Land Promise in Psalm 105 The key historical fact of Psalm 105 is that God fulfilled His promise to Abraham to give his descendants the land of Canaan (105:8-11, 42-44; cf. Genesis 12).

4 The Land Promise in Psalm 105 This Psalm provides a great Biblical response to the argument of Premillennialists that the Land Promise made to Abraham has yet to be fulfilled (cf. Joshua 21:43-45; 23:14; Nehemiah 9:7-8). Premillennialists claim the following: –“The unconditionality of the Abrahamic Covenant furnishes an important support for premillennialism, since the land promise needs a future time (the Millennium) in which it will be fulfilled.” (Charles Ryrie, Basic Theology, p. 528) –“This Abrahamic covenant, which contained…promises of the preservation of a nation, and the possession of a land by that nation, was given to a specific covenant people. Since it was unconditional and eternal, and has never yet been fulfilled, it must await future fulfillment…” (Dwight Pentecost, Things to Come, p. 82)

5 Psalm 105:1-6 An Exhortation to Praise God The Psalmist encourages showing thanks to God in various ways: –Call upon His name –Make known His deeds –Sing to Him –Talk of His wondrous works –Glory in His name –Rejoice –Seek the Lord’s strength; seek His face (Psalm 24:6; 27:8) –Remember His works

6 Psalm 105:7-45 God Kept His Covenant with Abraham God’s character as a Covenant Maker (7-8) The making of the covenant with Abraham and its confirmation to Isaac and Jacob (9-12; see Genesis 17:2-14; 26:2-5; 28:10-15) How God kept the land covenant: –He protected the Patriarchs from foreign kings (13-15) Pharaoh (Genesis 12:17-20) Abimelech (Genesis 20:3-6) –He brought Joseph to a position of power (16-22) –He brought Jacob to Egypt, where his descendents multiplied and prospered (23-25)

7 Psalm 105:7-45 God Kept His Covenant with Abraham How God kept the land covenant (continued) –He sent Moses to Egypt as a deliverer and He performed mighty signs in Egypt (26-36) –He provided for His people in the wilderness (37-41) –He “gave them the lands of the Gentiles” (42-45) All that God did to keep His covenant with Abraham’s descendents had a purpose: “That they might observe His statutes and keep His laws. Praise the LORD!”

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