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Indoctrination Briefing 1SG Patrick Cullen KANSAS ARMY NATIONAL GUARD.

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Presentation on theme: "Indoctrination Briefing 1SG Patrick Cullen KANSAS ARMY NATIONAL GUARD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indoctrination Briefing 1SG Patrick Cullen KANSAS ARMY NATIONAL GUARD

2 Purpose n Background SF312 n Nondisclosure Agreement n Nature of Classified Information n Classification of Information n Derivative Classification n Marking of Classified Information n Protection of Classified Information

3 Unauthorized disclosures of classified information threaten the security of our citizens. Background

4 FBI Agent Robert P. Hanssen Most Damaging Spy Since Ames Aka “B” aka “Ramon Garcia” aka “Jim Baker” aka “G. Robertson” aka “Alleged Traitor”

5 Hansen - Dead drop points in and around Washington D.C.

6 President directed all persons authorized access: 1. Required to sign a nondisclosure agreement NdA 2. Anyone who decline to sign an NdA shall be denied access Background

7 Nondisclosure Agreements. The SF 312 is to be executed by all cleared Department of Defense (DoD) military and civilian personnel and contractor employees as a condition of access to classified information.

8 Nature of Classified Information. Classified national security information (or classified information) is: "information that has been determined pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 12958, "Classified National Security Information," April 17, 1995 or any predecessor order to require protection against unauthorized disclosure and is marked to indicate its classified status when in documentary form."

9 Nature of Classified Information Information is classified under one of three designations 1. "Top Secret" 2. "Secret" 3. "Confidential" Depending on the level of sensitivity

10 Note: Security Classification can not be used to: “conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error….” ie. Prevent embarrassment to a person, organization or agency.

11 The Classification of Information Information may be classified in one to two ways: 1.originally 2.derivatively

12 Original classification To be an Originator of classification you must: be the originator of the document, information,etc. have classification authority in writing information must require protection against unauthorized disclosure information must be directly related to national security interests

13 Derivative Classification. Derivative classification is just as its name implies--classification derived from another source.

14 Marking of Classified Information. At a minimum, classified documents must indicate (1) the highest level of classification (2) the Agency or office of origin (3) the identity of the Original Classification Authority or source document, as appropriate (4) a date or event for declassification

15 Protection of Classified Information As a custodian of classified information you have a personal moral legal responsibility WHEN TO PROTECT? at all times protect classified information

16 Protection of Classified Information classified material must not be discussed on the telephone, read, or discussed in public places. EXAMPLE On the Phone At Home At Church In Public Places

17 Protection of Classified Information Don't be fooled by telephone callers who drop names or otherwise try to impress you with "urgent needs."

18 Care During Working Hours. Classified information may be processed by automated information systems, but only by those systems that have been approved for such use. SECRET

19 Incident Triangle Remove one element to eliminate the threat TARGET OPPORTUNITY ATTACKER

20 Be Careful Out There Questions?


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