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AP PSYCHOLOGY INTRO TO THE BRAIN QUIZ #3. Question 1 Of the ways to study the brain which two focus on function.

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2 Question 1 Of the ways to study the brain which two focus on function

3 Question 2 What does the case of Phineas Gage tell us?

4 Question 3 The three structures of the brain are

5 Question 4 The three structures of the hindbrain are

6 Question 5 T/F- The cerebellum controls balance and muscle coordination

7 Question 6 The ___________controls breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure.

8 Question 7 This structure of the hindbrain connects the hindbrain with the midbrain and the forebrain, and is involved in facial expressions.

9 Question 8 T/F- The cerebellum is known as the little brain.

10 Question 9 T/F- The midbrain coordinates simple movement with sensory information.

11 Question 10 The thalamus, limbic system, and cerebral cortex make up the

12 Question 11 The hypothalamus, pituitary gland, amygdala, and the hippocampus make up the

13 Question 12 The ____________ acts like a relay station for all the senses except for _______________

14 Question 13 The ventromedial nucleus tells you to __________ eating. If the lateral hypothalamus is damaged you will ______________.

15 Question 14 The hippocampus is involved in the _________________________.

16 Question 15 This structure controls anger ___________.

17 Question 16 The cerebral cortex is made up of __________________

18 Question 17 The motor cortex is in the __________ and controls _____________

19 Question 18 The somatosensory cortex is in the ____________ and receives __________ sensations.

20 Question 19 What does the sensory homunculus tell us?

21 Question 20 List the four lobes of the brain and their function. – ________________

22 Question 21 The left hemisphere controls these tasks _____________________________________

23 Question 22 The right hemisphere controls these tasks – _____________________________________

24 Question 23 Blindness could result from damage to which cortex and lobe of the brain? A. visual cortex in the frontal lobe B. visual cortex in the temporal lobe C. sensory cortex in the parietal lobe D. visual cortex in the occipital lobe E. cerebral cortex in the occipital lobe

25 According to the theory of evolution, why might we call some parts of the brain the old brain and some parts the new brain? A. Old brain parts are what exist in very young children, and new parts develop later B. Old brain developed first according to evolution. C. The old brain becomes more active as we grow older D. The new brain deals with new information, while the old brain deals with info gained in childhood E. The old brain is most affected by age deteriorations (dementias) while the new brain remains unaffected.

26 Paralysis of the left leg might be explained by a problem in the A. motor cortex in the frontal lobe in the left hemisphere B. motor cortex in the frontal lobe in the right hemisphere C. Sensorimotor cortex in the temporal lobe in the left hemisphere D. motor cortex in the parietal lobe in the left hemisphere E. motor cortex in the occipital lobe in the right hemisphere

27 Question 26 When brain researchers refer to brain plasticity, they are talking about A. the brain’s ability to quickly regrow damaged neurons B. the surface texture and appearance caused by the layer known as the cerebral cortex C. the brain’s versatility caused by the millions of neural connections D. our adaptability to different problems ranging from survival needs to abstract reasoning E. new connections forming in the brain to take over for damaged sections

28 Question 27 Split brain procedures are used for

29 Question 28 The scientist who won a Nobel Prize for his work with split brain patients is A. Walter Cannon B. Paul Broca C. Roger Sperry D. James Olds E. Cheech Marin

30 Question 29 Broca’s areas is in the ________ _______ ________ and is involved in _____________.

31 Question 30 Wernicke’s area is in the ______________ and controls _________________.

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