CEDR Plans for new Performance Reporting Framework for the TEN-T (Road) Network CEDR Project Group 2 February 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "CEDR Plans for new Performance Reporting Framework for the TEN-T (Road) Network CEDR Project Group 2 February 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEDR Plans for new Performance Reporting Framework for the TEN-T (Road) Network CEDR Project Group 2 February 2008

2 CEDR PG PlanningCEDR – EB Meeting, 21 February 2008 The Vision By Jan 2010 all CEDR member states will produce meaningful reports on the performance of the TEN-T (Road) Network as part of their normal business cycle. The report will be based on a common location referencing model and common data definitions and will meet the needs of DGTREN, CEDR and individual member states. By Jan 2012 this will become an automated or semi-automated process.

3 CEDR PG PlanningCEDR – EB Meeting, 21 February 2008 Performance Reporting Framework for TEN-T (Road) Network  Consistent performance reporting framework for TEN-T (Road) network:  Common location referencing model for TEN-T links  More meaningful performance indicators based on commonly agreed data definitions  Data provided by individual member states  Initially manual process  May eventually be semi-automated process  Sits above but does not replace national databases and referencing systems  Based on approach successfully demonstrated by CEDR in previous pilot study

4 CEDR PG PlanningCEDR – EB Meeting, 21 February 2008 Example of performance reporting from previous pilot study Example from previous pilot study

5 CEDR PG PlanningCEDR – EB Meeting, 21 February 2008 Benefits of new performance reporting framework  Provide more meaningful reports on the performance of the TEN-T (Road) network, based on more consistent data, than current reports  Once implemented, require less resource input from Member States to produce performance reports  Be easier to control and change  Ensure consistent data definitions that can form the basis of strategic-level benchmarking reports

6 CEDR PG PlanningCEDR – EB Meeting, 21 February 2008 The Road Map for implementation of framework

7 CEDR PG PlanningCEDR – EB Meeting, 21 February 2008 Refinement Stage activities January – December 2008 1.Performance Indicator Handbook  Define Performance Reporting Requirements (DG-TREN, CEDR and MS)  Draft PI Handbook (using PIs from Pilot Study as starting point)  Test PI Handbook in one country 2.Location Referencing Handbook  Extended pilot of LR model on selected TEN-T links  Draft LR Handbook  Test LR Handbook in one complete country 3.Implementation  Plan roll-out phase including communication plan  Seek approval from EB to commence next stage (Winter 2008)

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