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Zero was a big round number. When she looked at her reflection, she just saw a hole… right in her center.

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Presentation on theme: "Zero was a big round number. When she looked at her reflection, she just saw a hole… right in her center."— Presentation transcript:


2 Zero was a big round number.

3 When she looked at her reflection, she just saw a hole… right in her center.

4 Every day she watched the numbers line up. She wanted to count too.

5 But how could a number worth nothing become something? Zero felt empty inside.

6 She watched One having fun with the others.

7 One was solid and strong with bold strokes and squared corners.

8 Zero was big and round with no corners at all. “If I were like One, then I could count too!” she thought.

9 She pushed and pulled. She stretched and straightened. She flipped and turned and finally became...

10 Z e r o She sighed. Becoming like One, was too much of a stretch.

11 Eight and Nine rolled into the scene.

12 “If you doubled yourself up, you’d be like me!” said Eight. So Zero twisted and turned to try to be Eight

13 “Or you could be a nine with a longer line!” said Nine. So Zero pinched and puckered to try to be like Nine.

14 But Zero could only be Zero.

15 “We’re on our way to join the others!” said Nine. “Come count with us!” said Eight.

16 Zero felt deflated. Eight and Nine were numbers with value. Of course they’d count. How could they know how she felt?

17 Zero had a new thought...

18 If she could impress the other numbers, that would give her value. Sh’e leap, she’d soar, she’d sizzle, she’d shine. She’d make a grand entrance and floor them all!.

19 Zero began to spin.

20 And then spin faster.

21 And faster.


23 And then she leaped into the air….

24 …right into One, who knocked over Two, …where they all ended up in a big pile on Nine! who crashed into Seven and Eight toppling over Five and Six, who fell into Three and Four,

25 All of the numbers were bent out of shape.

26 “It’s no use trying,” sobbed Zero. “I’ll never have value. I’ll never be part of the count,” she said.

27 “It’s what’s inside that counts most” pointed out Seven. Zero looked at herself. “But… what if I don’t have anything inside?”

28 “Every number has value,” said Seven. “Be open. You’ll find a way.”

29 Suddenly Zero saw herself in a new light. I’m not empty inside. I’m open!

30 Zero rolled up to the other numbers. I thought of a way for us to count even more,” she said.

31 “Count more?”, asked Four “Woo hoo!”, said Two “That sounds great!” exclaimed Eight

32 “Everyone counts!” the numbers shouted.

33 Zero jumped in. Then she leaped up high and said. “Here’s something we can try! If we help each other soar, we can count even more! “

34 And what’s next?


36 “We do count more!” the numbers cheered.

37 Zer o and the numbers explored and had fun, bringing more value to everone!

38 And this time when Zero looked at herself, She felt whole… right in her center!


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