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Cradle to College and Career Practice Group Part of the National Community of Practice on Transition IDEA Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "Cradle to College and Career Practice Group Part of the National Community of Practice on Transition IDEA Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cradle to College and Career Practice Group Part of the National Community of Practice on Transition IDEA Partnership

2 For more information, contact: – Marianne Moore at – Ashley Stoffel at For more information and links to previous presentations, visit: – sition/home sition/home

3 Webinars hosted by Cradle to College and Career PG THE NEW GED – January 24, 2014 Occupational Therapy and Early Childhood Transitions – August 26, 2013 What Does Health Have To Do With Transition? – March 21, 2013 Why does cultural responsivity matter? – July 16, 2014

4 Back to School Claudette Fette, OTR, PhD, CRC

5 Resources!  AOTA Resources  Brochure on Role of OT in Schools for Administrators Brochure on Role of OT in Schools for Parents  School Mental Health Toolkit  Consumer Brochure on RtI  Transitions Fact Sheet  Fact Sheet on Elopement/Wandering  OT Performance Appraisal Document  IDEA Partnership  Family Run Support and Advocacy organizations  Statewide Family Networks  Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health  WrightsLaw, PTACs

6 Occupational Therapy  School based Occupational Therapy Fact Sheets: -Occupational- Therapy/Professionals/CY/ School.aspx  In schools, OTs help children participate as students  Observe & suggest strategies to facilitate participation  Reduce barriers, suggest compensatory strategies  Help plan instructional activities to support classroom  Collaborate with educational team

7 School Mental Health Toolkit Youth/Mental%20Health/School-Mental- Health.aspx

8 Transitions Fact Sheet /media/Corporate/Files/About OT/Professionals/WhatIsOT/C Y/Fact-Sheets/Transitions.pdf

9 Elopement/Wandering Fact Sheet /media/Corporate/Files/Pr actice/Children/Autism- Wandering-Fact-Sheet- Feb-10-2014.PDF

10 Response to Intervention Children-Youth/School- based/RTI.aspx

11 School Based OT Performance Guidelines - /media/Corporate/File s/Practice/Children/Pe rformance- Evaluation-School- based-Therapists10- 31-13.pdf

12 IDEA Partnership  Collections  Communities of Practice  http://www.idea

13 IDEA Information  Wrightslaw  NICHCY moving to http://www.parentce ry/idea/  http://www.pacer.or g/legislation/idea/pd f/idea2004parentgui de.pdf

14 Family Run Support and Advocacy organizations  Statewide Family Networks  http://familyorgdirectory.  

15 Parent Technical Assistance Centers  http://www.parentcenterhub. org/find-your-center/

16 Remember to highlight your child’s strengths  In introduction to  teachers  IEP meetings  Preparation with student  At end of day

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