Musk Oxen By Blake Mammal They have fur. It has a backbone. It has babies alive.

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2 Musk Oxen By Blake

3 Mammal They have fur. It has a backbone. It has babies alive.

4 Location North Pole and the Arctic

5 Size/Looks Height: 3-5ft Weight: 500-900 lbs. Description: brown, shaggy, silky, fury

6 Habitat/Environment Where: Arctic Surrounding/ shelter: Snow/plants Temperature : cold-70 degrees

7 Food They eat grass and plants.

8 Interesting Fact There are plants in snow for them to eat.

9 Predator-Prey Relationship Gray wolves are predators.

10 Interesting Fact If the Musk ox is scared the herd makes a circle to keep the babies safe.

11 Interesting Fact Musk ox’s eat plants.

12 Interesting Fact Interesting Fact The Musk ox’s has a thick coat it is the main defense.

13 Interesting fact In the 1800’s an the early 1900’s people hunt Musk Ox.

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