2012-13 BOE Budget Workshop Technology Budget Overview (Instructional and Systems Technology) January 31, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "2012-13 BOE Budget Workshop Technology Budget Overview (Instructional and Systems Technology) January 31, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012-13 BOE Budget Workshop Technology Budget Overview (Instructional and Systems Technology) January 31, 2012

2 BOE Strategic Plan Improvement Indicator #8 “Provide increased access to quality information technology hardware and software for students and staff”

3 Primary Funding Sources Capital Budget Improvement Projects Technology infrastructure Operating Budget New equipment Equipment repair/replacement Internet access Software/licenses/student data systems Personnel

4 Capital Improvement Plan Capital Budget (6 Year Capital Improvement Plan) 2012-13 District Network Infrastructure $1.8 million - Client Virtualization: Creation of new District-owned infrastructure resulting in approximately 2000 “Thin Clients” Future upgrades to cost 1/3 as much as replacement of traditional desktops

5 Capital Budget – Historical Technology Infrastructure Funding 2004-05 - $350,000 2006-07 - $450,000 2009-10 - $100,000 2010-11 - $450,000

6 Capital Budget – Future Funding for Technology Infrastructure 2012-13 - $1.8 million* Client Virtualization 2014-15 - $350,000* 2016-17 - $450,000* Upgrade system-wide servers Upgrades to e-mail and other storage systems Communications Infrastructure (fiber, wireless, routers, switches) * In approved 2012-2018 Capital Improvement Plan

7 Operating Budget Technology Funding 2012-13 New Equipment ($40,000 increase) Equipment repair/replacement (Flat Funding) Internet access (Flat Funding) Software/licenses/student data systems (Flat Funding) Personnel (Flat FTE)

8 Technology Equipment Funding History

9 Operating Budget - 2012-13 Request Requesting an increase from $200,000 to $240,000 Replace outdated laptops Purchase mobile devices (With successful approval of Thin Client Project in Capital Budget, this funding does not need to be restored to prior level of $625,000 in annual operating budget)

10 Future Considerations Which Will Impact Technology Funding State online testing (2014-15) State technology plan “always access” providing blended learning Improving and maintaining system performance Redefining the “model classroom” based on universal design concepts, current technologies and research Staff Development Needs

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