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EUROBIRD dissemination proposal Bremen, 16 November 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "EUROBIRD dissemination proposal Bremen, 16 November 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUROBIRD dissemination proposal Bremen, 16 November 2007

2 EUROBIRD EUROBIRD web site development Standards-compliant design (XHTML, CSS) Designed to maximise usability across platforms, browsers, and users Simple, easy to navigate structure Supports printing well Access to project resources in a password- protected section EUROBIRD Outline of EUROBIRD Example EUROPLANE website

3 EUROBIRD EUROBIRD web site – partner pages Contact details for partners Contact details for all airports Description of region with photos, maps etc Description of airports Based on sources provided by partners (but often also found through online research) Content cross-checked with partners Example EUROPLANE website

4 EUROBIRD EUROBIRD web site – media & press Press releases and press clippings Photos from events Video summaries from General Assemblies Logo as.jpg and.eps Screen and print versions of project leaflet and brochure Example EUROPLANE website

5 EUROBIRD EUROBIRD web site – restricted section Password protection to restrict access to partners only Documents for download – General Assembly presentations, minutes, agendas, deliverables etc (more than 100 in the case of EUROPLANE) Example EUROPLANE website

6 EUROBIRD EUROBIRD web site maintenance The main quality of a web site is that it reflects the progress of the project A news block on the Project home page should point to latest events Web site maintenance is time-consuming – contact info changes, GAs and workshops must be announced, and documents added for download Project scope may change during execution – this needs to be reflected in the website

7 EUROBIRD EUROBIRD leaflet A EUROBIRD project leaflet shall be produced early to allow partners to communicate main aims of the project Example EUROPLANE leaflet

8 EUROBIRD EUROBIRD brochure Partners should participate in the design, e.g. by setting up a brochure working group Page number according to funds available (SEAPLANE had 16 pages) Design and structure to be developed by BMT with feedback from partners Draft versions will be circulated for comment, revisions be made Example EUROPLANE leaflet

9 EUROBIRD EUROBIRD brochure – an example page spread (taken from EUROPLANE) One sentence summaries Leading graphics Section headlines Main text blocks with inline headings Diagrams Airport case studies Maps Photos

10 EUROBIRD Video summaries of General Assemblies Highlights of GA events will be videotaped Short video summaries will be compiled, made available on web site Focus and dissemination / marketing aims of video summaries needs to be defined together with partners Thematic summary of GA topics? Interviews with stakeholders? Information content or social document? Or both?

11 Thank you for your attention! Any questions? Contact: Detlev Fischer, BMT Transport Solutions GmbH Email: df [at] Telephone: +49-40-3600664-16 Mobile: +49-174-3120923

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