Blaby South Community Forum Leicestershire County Council Thursday 22 nd November 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Blaby South Community Forum Leicestershire County Council Thursday 22 nd November 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blaby South Community Forum Leicestershire County Council Thursday 22 nd November 2007

2 Blaby South Community Forum This is your area

3 Differing characteristics of the area Source: ONS

4 Population change Source: ONS Total population = 11,950 Minimal population growth of 0.1% between 2001 and 2004

5 Levels of Deprivation Low levels of deprivation within the area

6 Differing household income levels Average Household income within the forum is £34,800 this is above the Leicestershire average (£33,700) Highest household incomes are in the Stoney Stanton West area (£40,500) Lowest household incomes are in the Croft area (£29,160) Source: CACI 2006

7 Older People Source: Census 2001 20% of the area’s population are aged over 60, lower than the County average (21%) Highest proportions of older people are located within the Elmesthorpe & Potters Marston, Stoney Stanton and Aston Flamville & Sharnford areas

8 Children & Young People Source: Census 2001 20% of the area’s population is aged 15 or under, on par with the County average (20%) The highest proportion of young people are concentrated within the Elmesthorpe & Potters Marston area

9 Children & Young People Source: CYPS 2006 GCSE attainment across the forum area is higher than the County average with 58% of children achieving 5+ A*-C grades at GCSE The lowest levels of attainment are in Stoney Stanton South & Sapcote South (37%) and Elmesthorpe & Potters Marston (40%)

10 Healthier Communities Source: Census 2001 Average levels of health across the area Some small pockets of poor health dispersed across the forum

11 Safer Communities The level of crime is lower than the County average Total of 46 crimes per 1,000 head of population in the area Source: Leicestershire Constabulary CIS

12 Economic Development Unemployment is lower than the County average –76 people claiming Unemployment Benefit – Rate of 1.0% of the working age population Total benefit claimants is also lower than the county average (8.9%) –550 people claim some form of benefit or 7.5% of the working age population

13 Resident views A Parish Plan for Croft in 2004 / 2005, a number of issues of concern were identified; –Concern over vandalism and theft –Make more use of the church for community events –Improved youth facilities A social capital survey was conducted in Sharnford in 2006 –Respondents commented that their neighbourhood is a close-knit community, a friendly place to live and one where people from different backgrounds get on well together – A lower proportion of those surveyed (8%) compared to the survey as a whole (16%) felt they could influence decisions that affected their area.

14 County Sustainable Community Strategy-Draft Public Consultation on the first draft November 12 th to January 16 th 2008. Full document available at: _draft_nov07.pdf Blaby South Community Forum Area “This Forum area includes the Rural Centres of Stoney Stanton, plus a wider rural area. There are no Main Towns or priority neighbourhoods.”

15 Sustainable Community Strategy-Cont ’ Draft Priority Outcomes: More older people are living good quality independent lives and are able to access services supported by improved integrated public transport, particularly in Stanton & Flamville; People are healthier and there has been a reduction in the number of hospital admissions for people aged 65+ suffering from falls and hypothermia in Stanton & Flamville; Young people are able to make positive choices about their health and behaviour and have been actively involved in making decisions about the services and facilities they want; Educational attainment has increased at Key Stage 2 in Normanton and Stanton & Flamville and GCSE level in Croft Hill;

16 SCS Draft Priority Outcomes-Cont’ There are reduced levels and fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour; Integration of communities has been improved and all groups across the South Community Forum feel they are engaged and able to access support and services; The environment has been improved with a reduction in excessive pollution (air, noise and light). There has been a reduction in the level of traffic through Sharnford; Local people are well equipped with the skills and qualifications needed to respond to the needs of local employers; and Housing standards have improved across the area but particularly in Croft Hill.

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