Co-funded by the European Union Semantic CMS Community Designing Interactive Knowledge- supported Ubiquitous Information Systems Practices Copyright IKS.

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1 Co-funded by the European Union Semantic CMS Community Designing Interactive Knowledge- supported Ubiquitous Information Systems Practices Copyright IKS Consortium 1 Name Affiliation Date

2 Page: Practice A – SiDIS Task 2  Topic: The Future Lecture Room!  Teams of 4-5 students (1) Generate situations via Brainwriting Pool method (2) Select best situations via Spot method (3) Apply situations in real lecture room with Post-Its (green: information technology; red: information; yellow: realization of information) (4) Write narratives for each situation Copyright IKS Consortium 2

3 Page: Practice B – SiDIS Task 3 Narrative: “It's Thursday morning. I get site-specific weather information when I am brushing my teeth in the bathroom. Based on weather information and my calendar, free-time event suggestions are given, e.g. "Today, 8 p.m. - Miss Marple Night at CinemaOne. Do you want to order tickets?”  Translate the following parts of the exemplary narrative into Pre- Artifacts a) Based on weather information and my calendar, free-time event suggestions are given, e.g. "Today, 8 p.m. – Sneak Preview at CinemaOne. b) Do you want to order tickets?” Copyright IKS Consortium 3

4 Page: Practice C – SiDIS Task 5  Derivation of formal propositional conceptual models from exemplary Pre-Artifact part  Translate the highlighted entities and their relations into a semantic representation by means of the Role Interaction Pattern Copyright IKS Consortium 4

5 Page: Practice D – SiDIS Task 6  Analyse the AISM layers concerning the formalization of system design (1) Service System and Social System  What are the services of the intended system?  Which internal services deliver information objects?  Which interface services take a role in an interaction with the user?  Which interface services are used by users to interact?  Which service interactions take place?  Does the system require information about the user role? (2) Information Sphere  Which information objects have to be requested from external services?  Which information objects have to be created by the system itself?  How about format and storage of information objects (data infrastructure)? (3) Physical Object System  How will the interaction of user and system be realized?  How will information objects be presented?  How is the I/O behavior of the system?  Does the system need information about the available physical objects? Copyright IKS Consortium 5

6 Page: Contact Copyright IKS Consortium 6 M.Sc. Sabine Janzen Chair of Information and Service Systems (ISS) Department of Law and Economics Saarland University The following organizations were also involved in the IKS AmI Case:

7 Page: Literature on SiDIS Copyright IKS Consortium 7  Maass, W. & Janzen, S.: Pattern-Based Approach for Designing with Diagrammatic and Propositional Conceptual Models, 6th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2011, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 2011.  Janzen, S., Kowatsch, T. & Maass, W.: A Methodology for Content- Centered Design of Ambient Environments, DESRIST 2010: Global Perspectives on Design Science Research, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2010.  Maass, W. & Varshney, W.: A Framework for Smart Healthcare Situations and Smart Drugs. SIG-Health Pre-AMCIS Workshop at the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2009). San Francisco, USA.

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