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Ford and Carter. Gerald Ford Took over as President when Richard Nixon resigned.

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Presentation on theme: "Ford and Carter. Gerald Ford Took over as President when Richard Nixon resigned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ford and Carter

2 Gerald Ford Took over as President when Richard Nixon resigned

3 Title IX Said that schools have to provide equal funding for both men and women’s sports Gave women opportunities to play traditional men sports

4 Jimmy Carter Defeats Ford 1976 Becomes first Southern Democrat to be elected President

5 Camp David Accords Agreements settled issues between Israel and Egypt (leader of the Arab countries) over border disputes Looked at as Carter’s greatest contribution at President


7 Regents of UC vs. Bakke Supreme Court case that said it was illegal for universities to achieve racial diversity through racial quotas A blow to affirmative action

8 Three Mile Island Partial nuclear meltdown at a nuclear energy plant in Pennsylvania Led to widespread protests against the use of nuclear power and safety of nuclear power plants

9 Iran Hostage Crisis 1977, Iranian Revolution ousts U.S. backed government The Ayatollah Khomeini, a radical Muslim cleric, takes over as head of the government

10 Iran Hostage Crisis November 4, 1979, 500 college students seized the American embassy in Tehran 52 U.S. hostages were taken and held against their will for 444 days This proved to be Carter’s downfall


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