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1 Part 4 HPMS Vehicle Summary Data Computation. Additional Columns 2  Ucode=if(urban_code=99999, “Rural”, “Urban”)  VMT=(end_point-begin_point)*AADT.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Part 4 HPMS Vehicle Summary Data Computation. Additional Columns 2  Ucode=if(urban_code=99999, “Rural”, “Urban”)  VMT=(end_point-begin_point)*AADT."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Part 4 HPMS Vehicle Summary Data Computation

2 Additional Columns 2  Ucode=if(urban_code=99999, “Rural”, “Urban”)  VMT=(end_point-begin_point)*AADT  SUVMT=(end_point-begin_point)*SUAADT  CTVMT=(end_point-begin_point)*CTAADT

3 Step 1: Calculate VMT using HPMS data by county and Function class (facility = 1, 2, 3) 3

4 Pivot Table Layout 4

5 Step 1: VMT by County and Function Class 5

6 Step 2: Select * if IS_Sample=1 or AADT_Combination_vn<>0 6

7 Pivot Table Layout 7

8 Truck VMT for Sample Panel Data 8

9 Step 2 – Continue Truck VMT% for Sample Panel Data 9

10 Step 3. Vehicle Class Data Analysis 10  It is recommended to use annualized count or adjusted count to a common time period: per day or per 48 hour  It is extremely important to use the same time period for all stations  Use simple average of vehicle % within county is not recommended

11 Vehicle Class Data Analysis – Annualized and Seasonal Adjusted AADT and Vehicle Count Data 11

12 Pivot table layout 12

13 Total Daily Counts by County and Function Class Pivot Table 13

14 Daily Count Vehicle % 14

15 Step 4: Combine Class Data and Truck AADT% Data 15  Adopt MC%, Car%, Light Truck% and Bus% data from class data  Single Unit Truck% = Single Unit Vehicle% – Bus%  Passenger Car% = 1 - MC% - LT% - Bus% - SUV% - CT%  Borrow vehicle % data from similar county if no there are no data available

16 Function Class 1, 2, 3 and 4 16

17 R5, U5 and U6 17

18 Or R5, U5 and U6 18

19 R6, R7 and U7 (VMT data are statewide so no weighting) 19

20 Group VMT of Functional Classes (FC) to FS_Group 20

21 Step 5: Produce Vehicle Summary Data 21

22 Summary 22  VMT by county and function class (total VMT)  Truck VMT% for sample panel data (sample panel VMT)  Vehicle class count data analysis (common time period)  Combine AADT truck % data with vehicle class count data for all road function classes  Derive the VMT by vehicle for all function class  Group VMT by function class group and vehicle class group to obtain VMT and VMT%

23 Thank You! Office of Highway Policy Information FHWA 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590 23

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