2013 MASS Executive Institute. More Than a Decade of Progress: Grade 10 MCAS % proficient or higher 2.

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Presentation on theme: "2013 MASS Executive Institute. More Than a Decade of Progress: Grade 10 MCAS % proficient or higher 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013 MASS Executive Institute

2 More Than a Decade of Progress: Grade 10 MCAS % proficient or higher 2

3 English Language Arts Mathematics Low Income: +22 Not Low Income: +14 Low Income: +26 Not Low Income: +20 Advanced Proficient Needs Improvement Failing Narrowing the Grade 10 Income-Based Achievement Gap 3

4 High School Completion Improving Graduation rates at all-time high 4-year, on-time 5-year completion Drop-out rates lowest in decades Groups with largest gaps made some of strongest improvement Despite graduation rate improvement: Many graduates placed in non-credit-bearing courses Many employers report graduates ill-prepared 4

5 Our core strategies To prepare all students for opportunities & success after high school:  Strengthen curriculum, instruction, and assessment  Improve educator effectiveness  Turn around the lowest performing districts and schools  Use technology & data to support student performance 5

6 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 6 BESE adopts Ed Eval Achievement Gap Act Major initiatives: high level timeline

7 Curriculum Highlights  Alignment of curriculum & instruction to the new frameworks continues  New online resources: 90 model curriculum units available to all by winter 30+ available now for RTTT districts each w/ performance assessments Edwin Teaching and Learning pilot with 33 districts ; available to all RTTT districts (2013–14). New “Data In Action” courses coming later in 2013–14. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 7

8 Spring 2014 PARCC Field Test Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 8  Approximately 10% of MA students in grades 3-11 randomly selected, by grade and classroom  Superintendents notified in August  Required participation (will entertain exceptions due to extraordinary circumstances)  Computer-based or paper-and-pencil  Testing windows Performance-based assessment (PBA) in ELA & math: March 24-April 11 End-of-year (EOY) assessment in ELA & math: May 12-June 6  Grade 10 students will be selected for EOY only

9 Spring 2015 Administration  Dual administration of PARCC & MCAS, but no required double-testing  Districts/schools choose PARCC or MCAS  For accountability, ESE is considering a “held harmless” policy for districts/schools that choose PARCC  PARCC will offer computer-based & paper-and- pencil tests Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 9

10 Transition to PARCC This fall & winter, ESE will provide districts with information needed to make informed decisions:  Time commitment  Technology requirements Funding opportunities  Accountability & growth calculation implications  Logistics Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 10

11 Transition to PARCC: Competency Determination  At least through Class of 2017: Grade 10 MCAS tests/retests in ELA, Mathematics, & Science/Technology/Engineering Spring 2015 Grade 10 students will take MCAS (not PARCC) for CD  STE tests will continue during PARCC implementation  This fall: ESE will provide updates for classes of 2018 & beyond Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 11

12 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 12 BESE adopts Ed Eval Achievement Gap Act Major initiatives: high level timeline

13 RETELL: Closing Proficiency Gap  Cohort 2: implementing new teacher self- enrollment process.  Anticipate 9,000 teachers to enroll this year.  Additional Professional Development: Going deeper on topics introduced in the endorsement course Providing literacy & math coach SEI training Offering leadership training Establishing online professional learning network for role-alike colleagues Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 13

14 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 14 BESE adopts Ed Eval Achievement Gap Act Major initiatives: high level timeline

15 Ed Eval – Original Timeline ( in Regulations) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 15

16 Ed Eval – Revised Timeline (April) Providing Developmental Year: 2013-2014 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 16

17 Ed Eval – Considering more changes Timeline Extension by Exception Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 17

18 ESE Supports – Exemplar DDMs To be released in September:  As many as 500 exemplar DDMs  Across 135 grade/subject combinations  Vetted by ESE  Ready-to-use exemplars Use as-is or modify as appropriate Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 18

19 Key ESE Supports for DDM Development and Implementation DateESE Support July  Conduct Assessment Literacy Webinar #4  Host Technical assistance & networking session August  Conduct Assessment Literacy Webinar #5 September  Publish DDM Technical Guide B  Publish Exemplar DDMs  Provide technical assistance & networking session  Announce Competitive Grant to support Curriculum Framework/Educator Evaluation implementation October  Issue DDM Model Contract Language  Conduct Assessment Literacy Webinar #6 November December  Provide Template for February Plan submission  Conduct Assessment Literacy Webinar #7  Host Technical assistance & networking session Department of Elementary and Secondary Educaton 19

20 Implementation of the Educator Evaluation Framework  Expanding implementation to non-RTTT districts Early, comprehensive training of educators & evaluators leads to more effective implementation. Contract agreements in place by the beginning of September. Comprehensive training program available vendors can deliver training modules to districts at a subsidized rate. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 20

21 Key Deadlines for Superintendents DateLEA Action July 2013 August Submit end-of-year EPIMS data with Summative Ed Eval ratings (overall and on each of the 4 standards) September Submit list of DDMs to pilot during the 2013-2014 year Oct. – Dec. January 2014 February Submit plan for implementing impact ratings based on DDMs & MCAS/ACCESS growth measures Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 21

22 Are ed eval ratings public?  State law is clear: individual educator ratings are not public  ESE convened ed eval public reporting advisory group  ESE will publicly report aggregated ratings at the school and district level  No plans to report at grade/subject level Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 22

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