WARM UP Homework Questions from 1.2?. 5 NUMBER SUMMARY 1.3A.

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Presentation on theme: "WARM UP Homework Questions from 1.2?. 5 NUMBER SUMMARY 1.3A."— Presentation transcript:

1 WARM UP Homework Questions from 1.2?


3 Smile…You already learned this! Your middle school teacher probably called this “cat and whiskers” or “box and whiskers”

4 What is the 5 number Summary? A way to summarize what a set of data is telling us, using only 5 numbers.

5 What are the 5 numbers? 1. Minimum 2. Quartile 1 3. Median 4. Quartile 3 5. Maximum Basically we are splitting the data up into 5 chunks.

6 Steps to find the 5# summary. 1. Order data least to greatest 2. Identify the min and max 3. Identify the median of the whole set 4. Draw a line down the median. If there are two, then draw a line between them 5. Find the median of the first half (Q1) 6. Find the median of the second half (Q3)

7 Example {60, 62, 65, 70, 70, 80, 85} Already in order! Yay! Min? Max? Med? Q1? Q3? Min______ Q1_______ Med______ Q3_______ Max_______

8 You try! {50, 53, 48, 72, 21, 35, 39} Min______ Q1_______ Med______ Q3_______ Max_______

9 One more! {4,5,4,6,7,6,8,3} Min______ Q1_______ Med______ Q3_______ Max_______

10 Practice homework problems 1 and 2 Time check: Time for calculators? If not, do homework 1-4

11 5# Summary on the Calculator! Note: This is not necessarily easier, many people prefer to do it by hand. The calculator is nice when you have a huge set.

12 Example on calculator {21, 13, 6, 11, 55}

13 Steps on Calculator {21, 13, 6, 11, 55} 1. Stat 2. Edit 3. Enter all numbers in L1 (if there are already numbers there, highlight L1 and hit clear then enter) 4. Stat 5. Calc 6. 1-Var Stats 7. Scroll down to bottom

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