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Shutting Down Cyberbullies A Cyber-safety Act Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Shutting Down Cyberbullies A Cyber-safety Act Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shutting Down Cyberbullies A Cyber-safety Act Presentation

2 Let’s look at some statistics

3 Shutting Down Cyberbullies 1 in 3 say not a day goes by without logging into social media Study of 4001 English speaking Canadians found that 1 in 3 don’t let a day go by without logging into a social media site

4 Shutting Down Cyberbullies 93% say they’re on Facebook

5 Shutting Down Cyberbullies Teen Channels Ranked / Atl. Canada Source: MediaBadger Public Affairs / Cyber-bullying Snapshot Research / 2013

6 Shutting Down Cyberbullies Engagement by Device / Ranked Source: MediaBadger Public Affairs / Cyber-bullying Snapshot Research / 2013

7 Shutting Down Cyberbullies Cyberbullies use multiple tools Social media is increasingly becoming a part of our everyday lives Cyberbullies use not one, but multiple websites – some of which many of us have never heard of, like Chatroulette and Snapchat Cyberbullies use multiple devices, erasing evidence when the device is their own, or using friends’ or public devices to remain anonymous Sophisticated campaign of attack

8 The Challenge Authorities were limited in how they could respond

9 Shutting Down Cyberbullies How were we limited? It was challenging for principals to suspend students for activities off school grounds Police had difficulty acting because no laws in place to address cyberbullying specifically or the distribution of harmful images without consent – this is why we advocated changes to the Criminal Code and are supportive of legislative changes going forward No provincial legislation in place to help – families or individuals couldn’t get a protection order or sue the cyberbully

10 Shutting Down Cyberbullies The Solution Nova Scotia passed the Cyber-safety Act, the first legislation of its kind

11 Shutting Down Cyberbullies “Cyberbullying” means any electronic communication through the use of technology including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, computers, other electronic devices, social networks, text messaging, instant messaging, websites and electronic mail, typically repeated or with continuing effect, that is intended or ought reasonably be expected to cause fear, intimidation, humiliation, distress or other damage or harm to another person’s health, emotional well-being, self-esteem or reputation, and includes assisting or encouraging such communication in any way

12 Shutting Down Cyberbullies The Cyber-safety Act protects victims Cyberbullies are now responsible under the law Investigate complaints by the CyberSCAN unit, informal resolution, protection/prevention orders issued by the courts individuals or a parent/guardian of a minor can sue a cyberbully for damages – parents can be held liable, courts may award damages

13 Shutting Down Cyberbullies Nova Scotia has created the first CyberSCAN unit Canada’s first cyberbullying investigative unit does: consist of five investigators with various backgrounds and diverse skills investigate complaints of cyberbullying and work closely with schools on complaints involving students travel across the province and work with victims, families, schools and others to investigate complaints have the power to seek a cyberbullying prevention order refer cases to police when criminal charges appear warranted be operational in the fall

14 How will it work?

15 Shutting Down Cyberbullies

16 Step 1: Are you being cyberbullied? Are electronic communications being used to cause you fear, intimidation, humiliation or distress? Do the communications do damage to your health, emotional well-being, reputation or self-esteem? Are other people assisting or encouraging the cyberbullying behaviour?

17 Shutting Down Cyberbullies Step 2: Contact the CyberSCAN Unit. Speak to an investigator who’ll help: collect evidence to verify your claim put you in touch with professionals to cope with related trauma First step will always be to resolve situation informally by contacting cyberbully directly Goal is to stop cyberbullying without anyone going to court

18 Shutting Down Cyberbullies Step 3: Holding Cyberbullies responsible. In situations that couldn’t be resolved informally, CyberSCAN investigators can apply to courts for a prevention order that could lead to: prohibiting contact with the victim prohibiting or restricting the use of electronic communications confiscating electronic devices prohibiting or restricting internet access

19 Conclusion

20 Shutting Down Cyberbullies Social media has become a more integral part of human interaction every day Cyberbullies use these tools in attack campaigns Nova Scotia is the first province to respond with legislation and an investigative unit Victims are empowered Cyberbullies are accountable

21 Question and Answers

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