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Presentation on theme: "BY JACK SHELTON Hajd WHAT KIND OF COMPUTER ?."— Presentation transcript:


2 Would a desktop or a portable computer be the most suitable for the following people and why?
Teacher : A teacher will need a laptop, computer, Ipad because then they can use it in any room and outside. I would recommend an apple ipad or the latest computer or laptops because it will be quick an up to date so you can access anything you need at any part of the school. A teacher may want to store a lot of work and all lot of software such as 4gigabytes worth of ram and Processor (CPU) to get up to date with the system. News reporter : The laptop will be the suitable one for the news reporter because they can take it where ever they want and it will have the best system really good ram so they can access it where ever they go. When they take the laptop with them they can put all the reports straight onto the laptop instead of going back to there office an put them on there because the news reporters use a video recorder and a usb to put them straight to the computer. Web designer : A web designer will use a computer or a laptop because they will have to access programmes on the computer than with a ipad or a iPhone the web designer may want to take photos and videos to send to the internet. I will recommend laptops and computers for the web designers because they will need to take a photo or a video and put it straight onto the computer so everyone can access it.

3 Doctor in a surgery : It would have to be a laptop or an Ipad because doctors and nurses need to put in medical details onto the systems. Also doctors need to store all the medical details so that the passions stay alive. Traffic warden : A traffic warden is a non-warranted officer employed by a statutory authority in to provide your name and address when demanded by a traffic warden you would not need a laptop or a computer manly doctors , teacher , news reporter and web designer use computers or laptops because they don’t work in a office but they may want a phone that is like a laptop so that they can take photos and they may want to use a gps to find where they are going also they may want a ordinary phone to talk there other traffic wardens. They will need a jcb phone because if they drop it on the floor it would crack also it is waterproof.

4 You are interested in a buying a new computer, explain the following terms.
Processor (cpu) : CPU is also called (Central Processing Unit) which is also known as the microprocessor, integrates the circuit controls of the computer. Hardware within a computer system or smartphone which carries out instructions to complete a task. Input/output of the system in a computer. Memory (ram):Computer memory (RAM) is also called (Random Access Memory) is where most information is stored while programs are running. Hard drive : A high-capacity, self-contained storage device containing a read-write mechanism plus one or more hard disks, inside a sealed unit. Wireless enabled :Wireless Enabled is a system normally on laptops which allows you to access the Internet via an existing Internet connection. For example If you buy a laptop or a ipad which is wireless enabled you can get on to the Internet. Usb connection : USB port is a standard cable connection on personal computers and consumer electronics. USB ports allow stand-alone electronic devices to be connected to the computer so you can aces while doing something else. Sound and graphics card : graphic cards are used to improve graphics. They are used to play 3d games and watch high definition movies. Like windows vista need it for aero themes. Optical drive :In computing, an optical disc drive (ODD) that uses laser light or electromagnetic waves near the light spectrum as part disc. An optical drive plays cds dvds ,games and more.

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