Status Report Digital Video Broadcasting Copy Protection Technical Module (DVB-CPT) presented to the Copy Protection Technical Working Group July 11, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Status Report Digital Video Broadcasting Copy Protection Technical Module (DVB-CPT) presented to the Copy Protection Technical Working Group July 11, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status Report Digital Video Broadcasting Copy Protection Technical Module (DVB-CPT) presented to the Copy Protection Technical Working Group July 11, 2001 by Brad Hunt Motion Picture Association & Reinhard Steffens Micronas

2 2 DVB Specification Development Process The DVB CPCM system provides a framework for the protection and management of content beyond the traditional boundaries of DVB compliant CA systems.The DVB CPCM system provides a framework for the protection and management of content beyond the traditional boundaries of DVB compliant CA systems. The DVB CPCM specification is being developed to support In Home Digital Networks, Multimedia Home Platform, and Personal Video Recorder technologies.The DVB CPCM specification is being developed to support In Home Digital Networks, Multimedia Home Platform, and Personal Video Recorder technologies. These Commercial Requirements were supplied to the Technical Module (DVB-CPT) for preparation of a Call for Proposals to solicit technology proposals to meet these requirements.These Commercial Requirements were supplied to the Technical Module (DVB-CPT) for preparation of a Call for Proposals to solicit technology proposals to meet these requirements. DVB Copy Protection Commercial Module (DVB-CP) completed a set of Commercial Requirements for a new DVB Content Protection and Copy Management (DVB CPCM) system.DVB Copy Protection Commercial Module (DVB-CP) completed a set of Commercial Requirements for a new DVB Content Protection and Copy Management (DVB CPCM) system.

3 3 DVB CPCM Commercial Requirements The DVB CPCM system must provide for protection of content entering the Consumer Domain through a variety of delivery systems including:The DVB CPCM system must provide for protection of content entering the Consumer Domain through a variety of delivery systems including: - Access Control Protected Delivery - DRM Protected Delivery - Pre-recorded Media - Unprotected Delivery The baseline DVB CPCM system shall provide support for the four usage states of copy control and a means for indicating whether content can be Moved for Consumption outside the Authorized Domain.The baseline DVB CPCM system shall provide support for the four usage states of copy control and a means for indicating whether content can be Moved for Consumption outside the Authorized Domain. The DVB CPCM system shall provide end-to-end protection for the content and its usage state information.The DVB CPCM system shall provide end-to-end protection for the content and its usage state information.

4 4 DVB CPCM Commercial Requirements The DVB CPCM system will define and support a standardized digital interface to allow trust to be established between devices so that content, related usage state information, and control can be securely exchanged.The DVB CPCM system will define and support a standardized digital interface to allow trust to be established between devices so that content, related usage state information, and control can be securely exchanged. The DVB CPCM system shall support a means for protecting content that enters the Consumer Domain through an unprotected means, but marked in a way that Usage States are associated with it. This may be facilitated through the use of associated and/or embedded data.The DVB CPCM system shall support a means for protecting content that enters the Consumer Domain through an unprotected means, but marked in a way that Usage States are associated with it. This may be facilitated through the use of associated and/or embedded data.

5 5 DVB CPCM Consumer Domain CI CA Persistent Access Control protected delivery DRM protected delivery Unprotected delivery Digital Home Network Analogue Broadcast TV Receiver Digital TV Residential Gateway/ Set Top Box Home Media Server/PVR Personal Computer Personal Entertainment Device DVB CPCM Environment Internet Pre-Recorded Media Media Player/Recorder Content Provider

6 6 DVB CPCM Commercial Requirements The DVB CPCM system shall support the development of proprietary CPCM plug-ins that extend the functionality and protection afforded by the baseline DVB CPCM system.The DVB CPCM system shall support the development of proprietary CPCM plug-ins that extend the functionality and protection afforded by the baseline DVB CPCM system.

7 7 DVB-CPT Call for Proposals A copy of the entire Call for Proposals can be obtained by request to the DVB-CPT Chairman, Wim Mooij at:A copy of the entire Call for Proposals can be obtained by request to the DVB-CPT Chairman, Wim Mooij or a note to the DVB Project Office at: or a note to the DVB Project Office The DVB-CPT Call for Proposals will be posted on the CPTWG web site at:The DVB-CPT Call for Proposals will be posted on the CPTWG web site at:

8 8 DVB-CPT Call for Proposals Timetable July 11 - Call for Proposals releasedJuly 11 - Call for Proposals released August 31 - Deadline for submission of Intention to SubmitAugust 31 - Deadline for submission of Intention to Submit October 19 - Deadline for submission of ProposalOctober 19 - Deadline for submission of Proposal November 13-15 - Proposer Presentations to theNovember 13-15 - Proposer Presentations to the DVB-CPT in Geneva, Switzerland

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