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Do Now You are in the wilderness alone with nothing but the clothes on your back. What do you think that you would need do to survive?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now You are in the wilderness alone with nothing but the clothes on your back. What do you think that you would need do to survive?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now You are in the wilderness alone with nothing but the clothes on your back. What do you think that you would need do to survive?

2 The Paleolithic Age Until 900,000 years ago people lived only on the grasslands of eastern and southern Africa. Climate changed and colder temperatures result in increase of glaciers and lower sea level Land was now visible connecting Africa to Europe and Asia, and people were able to migrate by crossing these land bridges. People later migrated to the Americas. Scientists call the first age in which people lived the Paleolithic Age.


4 Obtaining food Paleolithic people lived in bands Lived and worked together, sharing food and responsibilities Cared for sick and injured Hunted in their home territory, and moved along when food supply was used up

5 Stone Age Hunting Video

6 Obtaining food Responsibilities of members: –Women and children gathered food (berries, nuts, fruit, eggs, honey, roots). –Men hunted for the meat (fish, small and large animals)

7 Making Tools Paleolithic people made tools out of stones or pebbles Hit one pebble onto another to create a jagged cutting edge. Also made flakes (long, sharp edged chips) Used to cut meat, split bones, or chop up plants. Also, used to make a stick into a digging stick or skewer. Made life much easier for hunters

8 Stone Age tools video

9 Making Fire

10 Making fire Discovered how to make fire by rubbing two sticks or stones together Used to keep dry or warm or as a weapon. Used to clear out brush and undergrowth. Cooked food, which was easier to chew. –Spent less time eating and more time doing other things

11 Seeking Shelter and Making Clothing Early people usually camped out in the open Sought shelter in holes, river beds, overhanging rocks, and piled brush. At first caves were used only in emergencies, but later they began to live in caves most of the time. Clothing was made out of animal skins –used for protection and warmth. –Were able to move into cooler and wetter areas.

12 Developing Language Before they learned to talk, early humans made sounds, or pointed to objects, to express meaning. Because of social need, language began to develop Made it possible for people to work together, share ideas, and pass on their beliefs and stories. Would result in progress.

13 Neanderthals Neanderthals were the first kind of Homo-sapiens, or “man who thinks.” Remains found throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa Good hunters, made pitfalls Were builders- made houses for 30 people and improved cave dwellings with drainage system First people to bury their dead

14 Cro-Magnon Homo-sapien and first modern human beings. Appeared in Asia, North Africa, and Europe First skillful tool and weapon makers (burin, axe) Spear throwers (made hunting safer and more successful) Were artists, played music, and made jewelry Cooperative hunting which helped catch large animals

15 Neanderthal vs. Cro-Magnons video Sorter

16 Closing Questions How were early people able to survive in the Paleolithic Age? Why do you think Neanderthals and Cro- Magnons were called, “man who thinks?” Give examples.

17 Do Now: With the students in your row, decide who you think would survive better? Neanderthals or Cro-Magnons? Why?

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