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Zipcar ( Zipcar ( BK FarmyardsZipcar URL S: The URL is clear, logical and intuitive because it.

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Presentation on theme: "Zipcar ( Zipcar ( BK FarmyardsZipcar URL S: The URL is clear, logical and intuitive because it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zipcar ( Zipcar ( BK FarmyardsZipcar URL S: The URL is clear, logical and intuitive because it is the same as the organization’s (BK Farmyards) name. It is human-readable. O: Not all users are familiar with the branding; they may not be aware that it is a car rental company. W: The term "BK" might not be known to all as Brooklyn. It could mean Burger King or other things. T: The URL is catchy and memorable. It is also the first to come up on Google when searching 'Zip car'. A majority of the other results are Zipcar related. The individual URL matches the product. Home Page Design S: The font is nice and visually pleasing to the eye; the graphics are big, and the images draw in your eye and call attention to themselves. O: Two basic color schemes are used throughout the site: green and grey. Most people don’t associate green with automobiles. W: Inconsistency in image quality, color, fonts, symmetry; main navigation is at bottom; no priority to labeling; relevance is not hierarchical; labels’ size is meaningless; random choice of labels; main right label navigates away from site—no clear link destination; need more relevant info; no clear link destinations in general. T: Good leverage of user type and car type so that users can quickly determine their personal association. Logo and tag line are memorable. Clear distinctive labels that are engaging. The images related to the cars are creative and meaningful. Clearly defines the type of users visiting the site. Positive feedback when hovering over links. Footer links are understandable. The home page fits within a normal PC screen. Sign in is prominent. Home Page Content PageInterior Page

2 Interior Page Design S: Logo and color schemes match the home page. The blog format gives it a more manageable look and feel. The content of most of the images coordinates and is related to the corresponding text content. O: Not applicable. W: IP opens as another tab/window, indicating to users that they are no longer on the BK Farmyards site. There is no organization as to how the information is arranged. Inconsistent labeling and design. Multiple pages on identical or similar content (Example: 'About Us' : and - these two pages are functioning as two separate sub-sites with huge overlaps in information.) Links are not linked properly (Example: 'farmyards' is linked to Doesn't say when it was last updated. T: The header and footer are present throughout the pages. The contents exist within the center of the page or the drop down. Well designed and highly organized in a logical order. Forms have clear instructions. Good use of images and other visuals. Content is written in common language. Search Functionality S: There is no search functionality whatsoever.O: The search is pre-set and may not contain all users’ search vocabulary. W: Search box in upper left is not labeled 'search'. No advanced search option. Can only search blog posts, not full content. On, the search does not work. On there is no search option. T: Clear and pre-set search functions. If the user cannot find what he/she is looking for, a full contact list and an 800 number are accessible. Features Offered S: There are several features offered, including Subscribe to newsletter, a donate option via PayPal, connecting via online network (like Facebook on the blog site), a Google calendar for events on the blog site, and a map of Urban Farm Network under the BK Farmyards left hand vertical navigation. O: No advanced search. No feature available to compare products to other brands to help users select items and thus make the company stand out from their competitors. W: The Donate Here link on the blog site links back to the home page instead of directly to the PayPal donation page. The Subscribe To Our Newsletter option on the home page is fairly simple to use, but on the Newsletter is posted, whereas on the blog you need to click on Join our Mailing List. T: The site is dynamic with moving images and engaging with action-oriented language. Ability to sign up; ability to join in the competition; interactive roll-over and clickable features. User- friendly search option. Users can select their user type. Company utilizes social media to promote its branding.

3 Navigation S: There is a variety of content navigation options offering multiple pathways of getting to the same place. O: Tailors its navigation with three types of users; this maybe limiting or users can get confused as to what type they fit into. W: Overlap in content between primary horizontal nav and vertical secondary nav (e.g. Apprenticeships/Volunteer Opportunities). Unclear relationship between primary and secondary. The home page navigations are poorly located, labels are not clear and most are linked to external sites. On the blog site, the navigations are listed both on the top tabs and left side menu. On the navigations are on the side menu. Use of abbreviation (CSA). Labels are not clear. T: Most content can be viewed in two clicks. It is only when the user decides to join or drill down that there are 3 more steps. There are 3 tabs for user types and 5 subcategories within them. The contextual navigation is self-explanatory. Interaction Design S: There is very limited interaction design, if any.O: Has relevant videos to promote sustainability. W: Interaction is all over the place, easily confusing users. Some links on right side (e.g. Join our mailing list) look like they should be clickable but aren't. T: Interaction provides feedback to the users. Complex interaction such as sign up provides detailed instructional information for easy follow- through. Visual Design S: The content of the images on the site correspond with and are relevant to the content themes of the site. O: Visuals are relevant to the site. W: Visuals are all over the place and in varied formats, which add to the site’s disorganization. Different colors between headings and clickable subheadings on the left menu would help. Clunky design overall, non-linear text, no consistent color palette, flawed formatting. T: The visuals are relevant to users who would use the site and its products. The images are crisp and tell a story. The color used reflects company branding. Social Networking S: Utilizes social media by placing social media icons on the pages in order to promote the organization. O: Not applicable. W: The social media links are buried on the pages and thus get lost in the disorganization. T: The site already has a fair amount of social media presence (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other bookmarking sites). It also has a 'Tell a Friend' page where users can message others about its products. It also has a Press page with social media icons.

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