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You can type your own categories and points values in this game board. Type your questions and answers in the slides we’ve provided. When you’re in slide.

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Presentation on theme: "You can type your own categories and points values in this game board. Type your questions and answers in the slides we’ve provided. When you’re in slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 You can type your own categories and points values in this game board. Type your questions and answers in the slides we’ve provided. When you’re in slide show view, click a points box to go to that question, then click to move to the answer slide. Click the left triangle to return to this game board slide. Taft and Progressivism 10 20 30 40 50 Two Progressive Amendments 10 20 30 40 50 Election of 1912 10 20 30 40 50 The Wilson Presidency 10 20 30 40 50 The 18 th Amendment 10 20 30 40 50

2 Taft and Progressivism

3 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. William Howard Taft was chosen by this former President to be his successor. 10 Taft and Progressivism

4 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Who is President Teddy Roosevelt? 10 Taft and Progressivism

5 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Many people were swayed to vote for William Howard Taft for this reason. 20 Taft and Progressivism

6 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. William Howard Taft promised to continue President Roosevelt’s progressive policies. -or - Roosevelt’s popularity swayed many individuals to vote for Taft. 20 Taft and Progressivism

7 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. As President, Taft continued to attack these legal bodies that were created to hold stock in many companies, often in the same industry. 30 Taft and Progressivism

8 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What are Trusts? 30 Taft and Progressivism

9 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. The reason President Taft received less credit for his Progressivism than he should have received. 40 Taft and Progressivism

10 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. President Taft became allied with conservative Republicans than Roosevelt’s progressive Republicans. 40 Taft and Progressivism

11 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. President Taft moved forward with progressive reforms. His reforms addressed these three progressive goals during his presidency. 50 Taft and Progressivism

12 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The three progressive goals during this period including expanding democracy, social welfare, and economic reform. 50 Taft and Progressivism

13 Two Progressive Amendments

14 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The 16 th Amendment was passed in 1909 but it was not ratified by the states until this year. 10 Two Progressive Amendments

15 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The 16 th Amendment was ratified in 1913. 10 Two Progressive Amendments

16 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The 17 th Amendment was passed in 1912 but it was not ratified by the states until this year. 20 Two Progressive Amendments

17 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The 17 th Amendment was ratified in 1913. 20 Two Progressive Amendments

18 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. This amendment provided for the direct election of U.S. Senators by the voters in each state. 30 Two Progressive Amendments

19 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What is the 17 th Amendment? 30 Two Progressive Amendments

20 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. This amendment gave Congress the power to create income taxes. The Constitution previously did not allow direct taxes on an individual's income. 40 Two Progressive Amendments

21 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What is the 16 th Amendment? 40 Two Progressive Amendments

22 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. How were U.S. Senators selected in their home states before the amendment had changed the process? 50 Two Progressive Amendments

23 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Formerly, state legislatures had chosen U.S. Senators. 50 Two Progressive Amendments

24 Election of 1912

25 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. This individual represented the Republican Party in the general election of 1912. 10 Election of 1912

26 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Who is President William Howard Taft? 10 Election of 1912

27 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. This individual represented the Bull Moose Party in the general election of 1912. 20 Election of 1912

28 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Who is former President Teddy Roosevelt? 20 Election of 1912

29 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. This individual represented the Democrat Party in the general election of 1912. 30 Election of 1912

30 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Who is Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey? 30 Election of 1912

31 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The reason former President Teddy Roosevelt created the Bull Moose Party. 40 Election of 1912

32 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Former President Roosevelt did not believe the current President Taft was progressive enough. 40 Election of 1912

33 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Many historians argue this is the reason Woodrow Wilson, a democrat, won the election of 1912. 50 Election of 1912

34 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. With the Republican Party deeply divided between former President Roosevelt and current President Taft, Wilson won the election. 50 Election of 1912

35 The Wilson Presidency

36 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. President Wilson wanted the government to use its power to break up these groups that sought complete control over an entire industry. 10 The Wilson Presidency

37 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What are monopolies? 10 The Wilson Presidency

38 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. At President Wilson’s urging, the Congress passed this antitrust act which laid down rules forbidding business practices that lessened competition. 20 The Wilson Presidency

39 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What is the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914? 20 The Wilson Presidency

40 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. This act improved the nation’s monetary and banking systems. This law created our modern banking system. 30 The Wilson Presidency

41 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What is the Federal Reserve Act? 30 The Wilson Presidency

42 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. True or False: The Clayton Antitrust Act was considered to be anti-labor. 40 The Wilson Presidency

43 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The Clayton Antitrust Act WAS considered to be pro-labor. 40 Category 4

44 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. True or False: Throughout the Progressive Era, the progressive presidents did NOT actively promote civil rights for African Americans. 50 The Wilson Presidency

45 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. True: Throughout the Progressive Era, the progressive presidents did NOT actively promote civil rights for African-Americans. In fact, President Wilson approved segregation, or separation, of African-American and White employees in the Federal Government. 50 The Wilson Presidency

46 The 18 th Amendment

47 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Passed by the Congress in 1917, the states did not ratify the 18 th Amendment until this year. 10 The 18 th Amendment

48 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What is 1919? 10 The 18 th Amendment

49 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The 18 th Amendment prohibited the manufacture and sale of this beverage throughout the United States. 20 The 18 th Amendment

50 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What are alcoholic beverages? 20 The 18 th Amendment

51 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Reformers believed a ban on these types of beverages would reduce these three problems in American society. 30 The 18 th Amendment

52 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What is poverty, unemployment, and violence? 30 The 18 th Amendment

53 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Business leaders argued these beverages made workers ____________________. 40 The 18 th Amendment

54 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Business leaders argued these beverages made workers LESS EFFICIENT. 40 The 18 th Amendment

55 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. With the passage of the 18 th amendment, reformers were emboldened to pass THIS amendment which gave women the right to vote. 50 The 18 th Amendment

56 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What is the 19 th Amendment? 50 The 18 th Amendment

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