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Raising Consciousness Creating Awareness Information Booth Cum Safe Place (DIC) CHETNA STRC Ahmedabad.

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Presentation on theme: "Raising Consciousness Creating Awareness Information Booth Cum Safe Place (DIC) CHETNA STRC Ahmedabad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Raising Consciousness Creating Awareness Information Booth Cum Safe Place (DIC) CHETNA STRC Ahmedabad

2 2 Basic services Provision of safe spaces (drop-in centres or DICs) Information services- Behaviour Change Communication / Counselling and Psycho- social support Provision of basic STI and health services Promotion/distribution of priced condoms/drugs (Social Marketing) and other commodities linkages health services (e.g. for TB, ART, OIs) Integrated Counselling and Testing centres (ICTC) and other social services

3 3 Drop-In Centre (DIC)

4 4 Drop-In Centre – What? A DIC is a doorway for High Risk Migrants for a welcoming and caring environment. It is a hub for (all) services which migrants can access as per his/her need and convenience. The centre acts as the focal point where all prevention and treatment efforts are being coordinated. DICs are of two kinds: o Simple DICs for primary tier (level 1) services like outreach, counselling as well as HIV related information, STI, BCC, networking and referrals. o Recreational facility within these centres which will attract the migrant to drop in and access services. o Simple DICs for primary tier (level 1) services like outreach, counselling as well as HIV related information, STI, BCC, networking and referrals. o Recreational facility within these centres which will attract the migrant to drop in and access services.

5 5 Drop in Centres – where ? DIC should ideally be located close to the hotspots/sites. For Migrants: hospital and recreational clubs in the company, pick up points of construction labourers, youth clubs or at the office of the contract agent (if available) MIGRANT can interact with each other, rest, seek advice, share information, approach someone in case of a crisis, or pick up condoms and avail other services.

6 6 Drop in Centres – What it offers? Outreach – outreach workers and peer educators will reach out to groups in their own environment on a daily basis to build a rapport IEC dissemination – continued education through leaflets/pamphlets on STIs/HIV, access to core groups and PEs for one-to-one contact STI treatment – syndromic treatment as per guidelines and/or doctor visits on certain days/times; STI referrals through counsellor. Condom programming – promoting correct use of condoms Psychosocial support – counsellor available to address issues on behavioural change and ICTC

7 7 Drop in Centres – What it offers? Referrals to ICTC, DOTS, ART, Opportunistic Infections Management, promoting support groups / Collectivisation Other services - Teaching self-defence, infotainment reading materials, literacy classes, rotational savings schemes trainings, legal support services, recreation, space to refresh & beautify, satellite services such as de-addiction, crisis response, social welfare schemes and services Names and other contact information details of support agencies at destinations / sites for that source destination pair. Information on welfare/ insurance schemes for migrants

8 8 Clinical services (MIGRANT) Clinics can be operated in PP doctors clinics, contractors/work place premises, residence area of the migrants, DICs Clinic timings shall be fixed for at least one quarter Clinical services will be mixed with counseling, outreach sessions, events Medicines would be provided based on cost recovery basis Cost of medicines would be decided as per State requirements

9 9 ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF DIC SERVICES – TO FOSTER AN ENVIRONMENT OF AFFINITY BUILDING AND SERVICE PROVISIONING 2 DICs per project in any setting These DICs are to be established in and around the work place / congregation areas in any settings. The budget should be used for hiring premises with facility for meeting, recreation etc. by the migrants. The same can be used for conducting health camps. 2 DICs per project in any setting These DICs are to be established in and around the work place / congregation areas in any settings. The budget should be used for hiring premises with facility for meeting, recreation etc. by the migrants. The same can be used for conducting health camps.

10 10 IEC AND MID-MEDIA PACKAGES Objective: To reinforce risk perception through interactive messages To reduce vulnerability by strengthening linkages and creating enabling environment Improved access to services and continuum of care Migration kit and information materials Mid-media campaigns at destination Information booths and kiosks at migrants locations

11 11 TARGET GROUP CONGREGATION EVENTS FOR MIGRANTS The TARGET GROUP CONGREGATION EVENTS FOR MIGRANTS Theme for such events should be need based with an objective to enhance participation of migrants for service uptake and utilisation. 2 times in a quarter.

12 12 HEALTH CAMPS/ADVOCACY At least 3 times a month in a project area. Advocacy with key stake holders/ power structures This budget is for organising the Group discussion, group meetings to provoke a discussion on community norms, to encourage the uptake of STI, HIV/AIDS information & services, strengthening linkages. At least 3 meeting to be conducted per month in the project area.

13 13 ENABLING ENVIRONMENT Stake holder meeting This budget is for organising the Group discussions, one to group meetings to provoke a discussion on community norms, to encourage the uptake of STI, HIV/AIDS information & services, Linkages which can be used at village level, Information & Demonstration of Condom etc. Meeting and training of other stake holders at area level for ASHA, ANM, other volunteers like political leader and area leader. Training of other stake holders on migration strategy to strengthen linkages

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