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Hybrid Merchandising- Point of Sale Application. Planned Project Summarized…

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1 Hybrid Merchandising- Point of Sale Application

2 Planned Project Summarized…

3 Purpose the Project l Empower small businesses to maximize profits. l Enable small businesses to compete technologically with larger, well funded organizations. l Promote competition.

4 Scope of the Project l Design an application that can track the following: Stock-On-Hand (SOH). Buying Trends. Sales (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc.).

5 Stock-On-Hand Functionality l Monitor and track the inventory on hand for all items within the store.

6 Stock-On-Hand Business Rule If an item fall below a threshold, mark that item for re-order. If an item is over-stocked, suspend re-order and possibly discount the item. If an item is being discontinued, mark the item as a clearance item.

7 Buying Trend Functionality What items are being bought in combination with one another. Monitor when the item is bought (time of day, day of week, etc.).

8 Buying Trend Business Rule l An item or group of items need to be purchased during a specific period of time (time / day combination).

9 Sales Functionality Monitor which items are being sold. At what price are consumers willing to buy the item. Track the sales history of a particular item for forecasting.

10 Sales Business Rule l An item has to be sold to a consumer (i.e. not stolen or sent back to the supplier).

11 Future Enhancements l Product-Location Tracking - the ability to track what items are being sold in relation to where they are within the store. l Seasonal-Trend Tracking - monitor items that are being sold most frequently during a particular season.

12 Project Design Inference Engine (Agent) Knowledge Base Cloudscape Database DOS Command Prompt

13 Development Tools l Java Programming Language. l NARL development tool to represent a semantic model of the data-base. l NARL Rule Manager to build rules for SOH, Buying Trend, and Sales tracking. l Cloudscape Data-Base (partially based on the National Retail Foundation Model (NRF)).

14 Current Project…

15 Scope Completed l Design an application that can track the following: Stock-On-Hand (SOH). *Yes* Buying Trends. *No* Sales (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc.). *Partially*

16 Rules Used If an item is below this threshold inform the user to purchase more of this product. If an item is above the threshold, inform the user to not purchase any more of this product.

17 Sales Functionality Created a XML flat file to track sales history with in the store.

18 XML Functionality The XML layout was used to simulate a database by keeping the files up-to-date. Regular Expressions and XML coding was used to search for patterns and to search through the file structure. The XML files contained a list of Items, Sales History, and Purchase Order information.

19 Development Tools Used l Java Programming Language. l XML files – simulating a database. l NARL Rule Manager to build rules for SOH, Buying Trend, and Sales tracking.

20 New Project Design Inference Engine (Agent) Knowledge Base XML Files DOS Command Prompt

21 What I have learned l Designing intelligent products is one of the hardest things I have done. l How to use rules in an application. l How to manipulate XML files through the use of regular expressions. l How to conceptually add intelligence to an application.

22 Future Enhancements l Add an association algorithm to determine what items are linked together. l Hook the system up to an actual database. l Clean up the code.

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