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2007 J.B. Cole Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "2007 J.B. Cole Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 2007 J.B. Cole Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD Overview of Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory

2 LSU 2007 – Animal Sciences Seminar (2) Cole 2007 AIPL mission  Conduct research to discover, test, and implement improved genetic evaluation techniques for economically important traits of dairy cattle and goats  Genetically improve efficiency of dairy animals for yield and fitness

3 LSU 2007 – Animal Sciences Seminar (3) Cole 2007 AIPL research objectives  Maintain a national database to support research on genetics and management  Provide data for research compatible with industry needs  Increase accuracy of genetic evaluations through improved methodology

4 LSU 2007 – Animal Sciences Seminar (4) Cole 2007 AIPL research objectives (cont.)  Develop bioinformatic tools to support of quantitative trait locus detection, marker testing, and mapping methods  Improve genetic rankings for overall economic merit  Characterize dairy industry practices

5 LSU 2007 – Animal Sciences Seminar (5) Cole 2007 National Dairy Genetic Evaluation Program AIPLCDCB NAAB PDCA DHI Universities AIPL Animal Improvement Programs Lab., USDA CDCBCouncil on Dairy Cattle Breeding DHIDairy Herd Improvement (milk recording organizations) NAABNational Association of Animal Breeders (AI) PDCAPurebred Dairy Cattle Association (breed registries)

6 LSU 2007 – Animal Sciences Seminar (6) Cole 2007 DHI statistics (2004)  4.1 million cows 97% fat recorded 93% protein recorded 93% SCC recorded  25,000 herds  164 cows/herd  21,250 lb (9640 kg)/cow 3.69% fat 3.09% (true) protein

7 LSU 2007 – Animal Sciences Seminar (7) Cole 2007 U.S. progeny-test bulls (2000)  Major and marketing-only AI organizations plus breeder-proven  Breeds Ayrshire 10 bulls Brown Swiss 53 bulls Guernsey 15 bulls Holstein1436 bulls Jersey 116 bulls Milking Shorthorn 1 bull

8 LSU 2007 – Animal Sciences Seminar (8) Cole 2007 Traits evaluated  Yield (milk, fat, protein volume; component percentages)  Type/conformation  Productive life/longevity  Somatic cell score/mastitis resistance  Fertility Daughter pregnancy rate (cow) Estimated relative conception rate (bull)  Dystocia and stillbirth (service sire, daughter)

9 LSU 2007 – Animal Sciences Seminar (9) Cole 2007 Genetic trend – Fat Phenotypic base = 424 kg sires cows

10 LSU 2007 – Animal Sciences Seminar (10) Cole 2007 Index changes Trait Relative emphasis on traits in index (%) PD$ (1971) MFP$ (1976) CY$ (1984) NM$ (1994) NM$ (2000) NM$ (2003) NM$ (2006) Milk5227–26500 Fat48464525212223 Protein…275343363323 PL………20141117 SCS………–6–9 UDC…………776 FLC…………443 BDC…………–4–3–4 DPR……………79 SCE……………–2… DCE……………–2… CA$………………6

11 LSU 2007 – Animal Sciences Seminar (11) Cole 2007 Senior research staff

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