 Principal: Mr. Charles Hankerson  Vice Principal: Mr. John Walker Assistant Principal  Mr. Wallace Aristide  Mr. Jorge Bulnes  Ms. Adalys Rodriguez.

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Presentation on theme: " Principal: Mr. Charles Hankerson  Vice Principal: Mr. John Walker Assistant Principal  Mr. Wallace Aristide  Mr. Jorge Bulnes  Ms. Adalys Rodriguez."— Presentation transcript:


2  Principal: Mr. Charles Hankerson  Vice Principal: Mr. John Walker Assistant Principal  Mr. Wallace Aristide  Mr. Jorge Bulnes  Ms. Adalys Rodriguez  Ms. April Thompson-Williams  Ms. Ottolita Thompson

3  Activities Director: Ms. Linda Walden  Athletic Director: Mr. Earl Allick  Class Advisor: Ms. Alicia Sanders  Media Specialist: Ms. Kimberly Davis  Registrar: Ms. Lawarnia Gray

4  School Resource Specialist: Mr. Darryl Elmore  School Police: Officer James Darby  SSR/SLC Coordinator: Ms. A. Smith  Treasurer: Ms. Latonia Ritchey

5 Department Chairperson: Dr. Zina Jackson COUNSELORS Ms. Kimberly Strozier-Miller Ms. Bridget Smith Ms. Phyllis Williams

6 Ms. Sheri Bearman Test Chairperson Ms. Candance Morley Social Worker Ms. Tyra Tate TRUST Counselor Mr. LarMarc Anderson CAP Advisor Ms. Irene Clark College Resource Center Coordinator

7 Pass both parts of the FCAT 2.0 unweighted GPA Minimum – 25 community service hours; highly recommend a minimum of 300 hours 24 credits 5-Point Rule

8 GRADE 9 Language Arts World History Science Math Electives

9 FCAT FCAT Writes College Resource Center



12 Tutoring College Preparation Forecasts Pullouts

13 Student Portal Student Email Accounts Internet Usage northwestern.dadeschools.net

14 Unexcused Absences Excused Absences Indoor/Outdoor Suspensions Makeup Work Late Arrivals

15 B lue or Khaki Pants – must be well fitting; no sagging Polo styled shirts – white, gold, or royal blue Oxford styled shirts (buttoned down) – white, gold, or royal blue. Stripes, flowered shirts CANNOT be worn as a uniform shirt. Shirts must have a collar No Designer logos, stripes, prints, or any type or wording

16 Sneakers or closed-toed shoes are required Sandals with back strap are allowed No flip flop sandals No headwear MALE or FEMALE: hats, bandanas, stocking caps, scarves, hair wraps A BAD HAIR DAY is not an acceptable excuse

17 Electronic devices must be turned off and out of sight. The operation and use of an unapproved electronic device by a student during instructional periods, academic assessments, or standardized tests are expressly prohibited and will result in severe academic and behavioral penalties.

18 LATE: Arrives to school tardy between 7:20 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Issued a temporary ID badge; admitted to class with no penalty from the teacher. Arrival 8:00 a.m. – report to SCSI for the remainder of the first block day (Period 1/Period 2). Tardy to Periods 3 - 8 will be penalized by the teacher as indicated by the Discipline Plan.


20 Lunch Applications Waivers – ACT/SAT Free Breakfast – 6:30 a.m Hall Sweeps Detentions Saturday School

21 Student Activities Ms. Linda Walden

22 Northwestern.dadeschools.net Click Student Tab Click on Student Obligations LOG IN INFO User Name – Student ID Password – Birth Date; i.e., 1/1/2001

23 GPA = 2.0 CONDUCT – 2.0 10 Absences – Excused/Unexcused 20 Tardies 10 Indoor/Outdoor Suspensions

24 Freshman Federation Advisor – Ms. A. Sanders– Room 2054 End of the Year Class Trip Community Service Projects

25 Election – September 21 Yearbook Pictures – September 27-28 Club Rush – September 29 Yearbooks - $60 - Room 2103 Homecoming Dance – October 15

26 Eligibility GPA Conduct Insurance Physicals Saturday School (Tutoring) NCAA

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