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Narrative Poetry: Soul Moon Soup Day 6 9 th Grade MYP English Thursday, September 24, 2015.

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1 Narrative Poetry: Soul Moon Soup Day 6 9 th Grade MYP English Thursday, September 24, 2015

2 Snippet: Writing Dialogue 9/25/15 Write an entertaining conversation between 2 people. If you can’t think of an “entertaining” conversation, write a conversation between a student and teacher in which the student explains why he/she did not submit his/her homework. Revision 1: Remove repetitive words (i.e. “said”). Revision 2: Edit for punctuation using your punctuation rules.

3 Objective, Agenda, & Homework Objective: I will identify plot structure and theme in narrative poetry. Agenda: Writing Snippet: Dialogue Read Soul Moon Soup Section 5 Plot Diagram Themes Homework: Study for Greek roots 17-20 quiz.

4 Greek Roots 17-20 17. dem = people 18. log = speech, study, idea 19. hetero = different, various 20. homo = same, alike

5 Plot Structure

6 Focus Lesson: Theme Theme: The lesson or message about life or human nature that the writer shares with the reader. It is the central idea of a work of literature. Theme must be written as a complete sentence because it is a thought about life or humanity. Theme may be revealed by: The work’s title Key phrases or statements about big ideas The ways the characters change and the lessons they learn about life

7 Focus Lesson: Theme Examples Examples: Pride, love, and cruelty are often intermingled in human relationships. –- “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst People care more about self-preservation than the lives of others. – “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Total equality is dangerous because our differences are important. – “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

8 Focus Lesson: Theme vs. Topic A topic is the main subject of a work of literature. Love Cruelty Friendship The theme is the lesson about the topic. True love conquers all. Cruelty can often be a result of pride. True friends will accept you for who you are.

9 Theme First, we’ll generate a list of topics from Soul Moon Soup. Next, you and a partner will pick 2 topics and create a theme for each of them. Finally, you will pick a 3 rd topic and write a theme for it on your own. You will write this on an index card to turn in at the end of class.

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